Chapter one

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Lance wasn't like the other paladins, he knew that. He knew he could never be like them. He didn't let this stop him.

You see, Lance isn't like your average human; he was born blind.

Ok maybe not 'born' blind, but since he was a week old. He didn't remember what'd happened but growing up he'd been told that there was a car crash. He was in his car seat and the glass shattered next to him, spraying him with glass. Not large pieces but microscopic dust-like pieces, none no larger than a baby's pinky nail had fallen on him.

It'd gotten into his eyes and begun scratching away at his eyes. Being a week old baby at the time, his tiny fists had rubbed at his eyes to get rid of the horrific pain, only managing to get more glass and scratch more severely.

He'd been blind ever since.

Lace had his siblings describe what his eyes looked like now, what we're supposed to have been beautiful blue eyes were scarred. Numerous large scars went over both his pupils.

He'd been made fun of a lot during high school for his eyes, Hunk being his best friend, stood by him and defended him. On his sixteenth birthday his family had bought him contact lenses to make his eyes appear blue instead of scarred. It'd stopped the bullying after a few months.

Lance tried, he really did. Growing up blind was difficult, he didn't even know what colours looked like! He'd been described colours many times but he didn't know for sure what they were like.

He made it into the Garrison after lots of trying, Lance had learned how to memorise pathways of the buildings he needed to walk through daily. Learned to pick up where people and objects were without one of those sticks most blind people had, simply by listening. Being blind had thankfully elevated his hearing ability.

In the Garrison he did amazing, well, he did bad as a pilot but doing so well and getting so far while being blind. Someone give this fighter a fucking medal.

However, in space it was a lot harder. Blue had figured out he was blind the second he created the bond with her. She helped an unbelievable amount, sending him pictures in his mind while he piloted her in battle. They were more outlines of the things in his way, so he still didn't know exactly what anything looked like.

He didn't know what colours were, other than the emotions people had used to describe them.


Lance lay in his bed, thinking of all of this. He could hear Allura calling through the comms for him to go to the training deck for a 'team bonding exercise'.

But he couldn't. Not that he couldn't mentally go there, in fact, Lance would rather have it so that he couldn't mentally go. It was much better than what had happened.

Lance had a head cold.

For most people, such a problem wouldn't have been a problem. A cough, sore throat, snotty nose, clogged head and blocked ears wouldn't be a problem.

Unfortunately in Lance's case, blocked ears was a big problem. Hearing was how he played it off that he could in fact see.

He didn't even want to think about what'd happen if the rest of the team were to find out he was completely blind. They'd kick him off of the team for sure.

Footsteps approached his door and his chest tightened with anxiety, it'd be Keith, it always was Keith who'd be sent here to get Lance out of training.

"Lance, man are you ok?" Hunk's voice called through the door worriedly.

"Is it only you there?" Lance asked after a moment of thought.

"Yeah it's just me," Hunk replied nervously.

Lance stumbled to the door, feeling his way across the wall thanks to his ears not being as good as normal. His hand brushed against the button to open the door, and through his blocked ears he could bearly hear the door open.

"What's wrong?" Hunk asked, walking into his room but caught sight of his friends face and sighed. "You're sick."

"How'd you know?" Lance asked, half sarcastic and half curious.

"You looked the same when you had a head cold at the Garrisons." Hunk replied truthfully. "Man Allura won't let you get out of training because of a head cold-"

"I know but I can't hear!" Lance interrupted, hands shaking slightly. "It's like I've got headphones on, I won't be able to get around."

"You could use the-" Hunk tried to suggest but Lance cut him off instantly. Knowing too well he was going to tell him to use the stick that most blind people had to use, Lance preferred to call it a sight stick, mostly because that's what he'd call it as a kid. He had one somewhere in his room but hadn't used it since the Garrison.

"They'll find out if I do," Lance ran a hand through his hair.

"Maybe it's time." Hunk said softly, placing a hand on his blind friends shoulder.

"They'll kick me off the team," Lance muttered worriedly.

"I won't let them, you're as good a paladin as any of the others."

"...I- ok." Lance gave in, his shoulders slumping forward in defeat, no one could say no to Hunk.

"I'll try find it." Hunk said and gave Lace a hug in an attempt to stop him from worrying too much. "Do you want to put your contacts in or leave them out today?"

Lance let out a large sigh once he noticed he'd been holding his breath. "I'll put them in."

Without another word, Lance picked up his usual clothes from where he normally left them and went into the bathroom to get changed and put in his contacts.

Ok I must apologise because I don't remember what the sticks blind people use are called. I've pulled a complete blank so one day when I (if I ever) edit this book I'll put it in. For now you'll have to deal with Lance calling it "sight stick".

Bwahaha I'm sorry, kinda...


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