▼Chapter Three - Awakening.

Start from the beginning

"I need to drink this." I explained, sniffing the content.

"Well, why haven't you?" he pointed at it, "It wont go down there by itself."

I tipped the cup to my lips and gulped the liquid down "Bleh!" I gagged after I finished. The liquid tasted foul and chalky, not something you would ever want to taste again. He gave a relaxed laugh at my reaction and rested his hand on my bare knee. "I'm glad you're back to normal."

We talked for a while, mostly about general stuff, like how I did at my sports teams. Yes, plural. I like doing sports, there's nothing wrong with doing more than one. Okay, more than five, but they're fun! Then we talked about social life, and how this girl keeps following him like a mad stalker and how I should hurry up and find a boyfriend. After a while the doctor came back and took me to a wide room and led me to a machine.

He instructed me to lie down and I would be fine. After some lights flashed in my face and I heard people scuttle around, he took my dad away and left me with Chase.

"Sorry we didn't bring any clothes, but the nurse gave me this." he handed me a simple nightgown folded in a neat square inside a sealed plastic bag, "It's disposable so you can throw it away, I'll wait out here while you change."

I went to my bed and closed the curtains, stripping off my bloody gown and replaced it with the clean, fresh one. The ugly green color stopped mid thigh on my long, pale legs. I bent down to pick up the discarded clothing, and heard Chase's deep voice asking if I was done. I drew open the curtains and handed the nurse the dirty dress and she wrinkled her nose in distaste.

"Well, this is the first time I've seen you in a dress." he teased, giving an approving nod. I nudged him, trying to pull the hem of my dress lower. He scowled and swatted my hand away, "Stop fidgeting, I'm trying to savour the view." I blushed deeply as I felt his gaze linger on my legs longer than it should.

"Oh crap, I haven't got any shoes." my hand went to my mouth, "where did they put my Converse?" Chase frowned and shrugged.

"You won't see them again...You can get a new pair, they were getting old anyway." I pouted. Those were my favourite ones. 'And the most disgusting pair of beggar shoes I've seen.' Eliza's voice said in disgust at my thoughts. HEY! I like them, Converses are cool! I thought back. 'Hmph,' she replied and stayed silent.

My dad came back and told us we could go. I walked beside my dad with Chase behind us. "Are you hungry?" my dad asked when we turned a corner, I shook my head and he continued forward. I felt a hand pull me back and Chase offered me something.

"Here, wear this," I looked down to see a navy Holister jacket, "it's too cold for you to go outside in that." he blushed and looked away. I pulled on the jacket and zipped it up.

"Thanks" I said, giving him a quick hug, we walked side by side in silence until we stopped at the main entrance.

"You kids stay here until I get the car." my dad shouted behind him as he ran out the sliding doors, my gaze wandered to Chase's face. His hair was messy and he still hadn't changed his clothes, he turned his head and started down at me giving me a broad smile. He look beautiful when he smiled, his leafy emerald eyes sparkled and his sharp face matched his masculine charms.

A short honked, snapped me out of my trance. We both turned to see my dad waiting outside, "Let's go." he pulled me towards the automatic door, sending in a cold breeze which caused me to shiver slightly.

"Wait!" dragging him to a halt, "I haven't got any shoes." I looked down and wriggled my toes.

He scratched his head, then stretched out his arms, "Come on I'll carry you there."

"No! You can't do tha--" my feet swept up and he carried me bridal style to my dad's car, I felt his biceps tense as he walked to the sleek black BMW.

"I'm heavy," i whispered in his chest, he chortled at me.

"Far from!" his hand tightened around my thigh, while his other hand was placed dangerously close to my not-so-flat chest. My dad leaned over and swung the passenger door open, Chase placed me down gently and leaned over, one arm rested above the door.

"Catch you later, Av. Get some rest and me and Jess will visit you tomorrow." He winked at me and closed the door and I watched his back, jogging away.

I fell asleep on the ride home, and felt a tiny shake when my dad placed a pair of slippers on the ground for me to wear. I got up groggily, rubbing my eyes as I slipped them on and slumped my way inside the warmth of my comforting home. My dad hung his coat and made his way towards the stairs, "I've got work in the morning, Night, Alpha."

My dad waved as he disappeared up the stairs. Alpha was the nickname my dad gave me, since 'A' was Alpha in code, and my first name started with and 'A'. I trudged up stairs, making sure the door was locked first, and headed for my room on the third floor. As I passed my dad's room, soft snoring emitted through the closed door, showing me how rough his day has been.

My bedroom was an en-suite, posters of the Olympics and my favourite basketball team plastered across my cream walls, as well as the many sports tickets that were pinned on the notice board. My unorganized double bed was still the way I left it this morning. I pulled my underwear out from my tall, white wooden draw, then got some fresh pajamas and threw them on my bed, throwing the crop top back when I realised that it no longer fit. I skipped into the bathroom and locked the door with a gentle click. Turning on the shower, I yearned for the warm water to fall on my hide. I stripped out of my clothes eagerly and sighed with pleasure when I jumped into the steaming water.

Tilting my head back to soak my hair, I squeezed a generous amount of shampoo, working it in and slowly massaging my scalp. I rinsed and repeated with shower gel, rubbing my hands over the mounds on my chest, scrubbing the blood and dirt off of my arms and legs. Twisting the the knob, the water abruptly stopped flowing. I stepped out and grabbed two fluffy towels from the shelf, one tied around my head, and the other wrapped perfectly around my lustrous body. I reached for the lock when I heard a creak, and a loud thud on the other side of the door.

My heart raced as to think who it could be, I paused...listening for other sounds. I unlatched the door after a moment of silence, easing it open. A dark figure jumped out and suddenly grabbed me, holding  it's hand over my mouth, disabling the ability for me to scream. I panicked, kicking my legs and throwing punches at the intruder. I felt a muscular arm warp around my waist, throwing me to the floor. I stared back at the dark figure, who was backing up, towards my bed.

Who was this person? And why is there someone in my room?


Thank you guys for reading this story, you make me so happy T__T I love you bubbies x

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