I had a broken hand and he cracked in his face. Klaus laughed as he drove over to the Cullen's. Esme, Rosalie, Carlisle, and Emmett were all shocked at the sight before them.

"Kai Petrova you did what?"

"I accidentally punched Edward in the face but he kinda deserved it."

"And I taught her that 30 minutes before, Klaus says gloating like a proud parent."

"You hand should be fine, but promise me no more harming my kids unless I clear it first."

"Okay doc."

"Dang kai, punching vampires I knew there was a reason I liked you."

"Now I can beat you up."

"You wish little one."

"Hey Kai, can we talk privately?"

"Um sure Edward."

Edward's p.o.v

After seeing the confrontation between Bella and Kai I felt bad. I drove over to her house to apologize. I seen her and klaus outside training, I tapped her shoulder hoping she wanted to talk to me but instead was met with her fist.

"Shit kai what did she say to you?"

"Ow! Edward whast the hell?"

"I came to check on you, Jesus."

She had a broken hand and i had cracked in my face. Klaus laughed as he drove over to the Cullen's. Esme, Rosalie, Carlisle, and Emmett were all shocked at the sight before them.

"Kai Petrova you did what?"

"I accidentally punched Edward in the face but he kinda deserved it."

"And I taught her that 30 minutes before, Klaus says gloating like a proud parent."

"You hand should be fine, but promise me no more harming my kids unless I clear it first."

I stepped outside to check on my face and let her Emmett talk real quick.

"Kai can we talk privately?"

"Um sure Edward she says clearly unsure if she wants to."

We went outside to the steps and sat down.

"Sorry for punching you in the face, and throwing my fries at your mate."

"Don't apologize I kinda deserved it for sending you over to talk to Bella, I had no idea she would be so cruel."

"It's okay Edward, I should be used to it by now."

I could hear the sadness in her voice so I hugged her. Honestly I felt close to kai like she was my own sister.

"I'm sorry kai, I really am just know I'm always here if you need it."

"Thanks Edward."

"Your boyfriend is near and he is so worried about you especially since alice had a vision about our incident."

"Sounds like him, oh boy here we go."

Jasper's p.o.v

After the confrontation between Bella and Kai I wanted to go with her but bonnie told me its best to leave kai be for now. I was out hunting with Alice when she had a vision of kai punching Edward. I ran home and found her and Edward on the steps laughing.

"Good to see your in better mood."

"She should be after the punch she gave me."

I laughed and noticed Kai's hand wrapped up.

"Seriously princess? Punching vampires?"

"What he deserved it, I mean he kinda did."

Me and Edward both laugh at her sillyness. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her closer to me. All her emotions came rushing over to me. Sadness, hurting, fear but also happiness.

"How are you doing after earlier?"

"I'm honestly okay but it still hurts when people bring it up or remind me that I'm the girl with the dead parents."

I leaned my forehead against her cheek hating when she felt like this. We just stood there like that for awhile and I slowly used my powers to try and make her feel better.

"Thanks babe for using your powers to try and make me feel better."

"Anytime princess, I just wanna try to help you in way I can

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"Anytime princess, I just wanna try to help you in way I can."

"That's why I feel so lucky to have as my boyfriend."

I smiled at her and kissed her wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Not as lucky as I do to have you as my girlfriend."

She laid her head against my chest and we just stood there for awhile enjoying each others company.

"Come on you should lay down, you have had a long day."

I vanish us up to my room and pull her into bed with me. She smiles and curls up next to me instantly falling asleep.

Who Knows What The Future Will Bring Us(Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now