"Bitch wake up, dang this pregnancy is getting to you." Lea giggled elbowing me making me stand up quickly and follow the man. They made me promise that I will tell the truth.

"Hello mrs. Paige." My lawyer smiled at me.


"Let's start, where were you
on April 20th 2017 at 8 pm?"

"I was driving my fiancée's car, I wasn't going anywhere particular. I just needed to clear my mind for a bit."

She nodded, "is it true that you got pulled over by police chief, Kevin Marshall?"

"Yes it is."

"Can you point him out?" She asked.

I nodded and pointed at him, "He's the man sitting at the end of the table wearing a white button up."

"Let the record reflect that she recognized the defendant." She said to the judge.

"It's shown." The judge replied.

"Do you know why he pulled you over?"

I shrugged, "He just asked me who's car I was driving, when I told him it was my boyfriend's he didn't believe me: he thought I stole it."

"What did he say next."

"He told me to get out of the car and he pushed me onto the hood of the car, placing my wrist down and basically had all of his body weight on me; I could barely breathe." I said looking at the police officer who had a small smile.

"Then what happened."

"He told me to get my id and I told him I couldn't with him on me. So he got off me and I reached through my window to get me purse which had my wallet inside."


"He told me to put the gun down, b-but I didn't have a gun I just held my wallet."

She spoke again, "What color was your wallet ms. Paige?"

"It's was a glossy black wallet."

"Did you tell him it was your wallet?"

"Yes I did, I even showed him. He could clearly see it because I was right under a street light and my head lights were on so it was in clear sight. I even dropped it on the street and put my hands up." I croaked remembering the moment again.

"What was the last thing you remember?"

"He shot me."

"Thank you, you may take your seat."


"Our last piece of evidence is a video." My lawyer said to the judge making the defense attorney jump out of his seat.

"Objection your honor we were never informed of a video." He said angrily but the judge looked at him blankly.

"I'll allow it."

They brought out a projector and the video began to play. It was a video of the night, i looked down and I could hear silence then a gun shot. The lights turned back on and everyone stared at the police officer with hatred, even his own attorney.

"The defense would like to start."


"The jury has made there decision." The judge said grabbing the folder from the woman.

She sat down and opened it before nodding. She slammed her gavel down,

"On the case of Marshall vs. the people. Kevin Marshall is guilt for the charge of attempted murder of Luna Shiloh Paige. He is sentenced at State prison for life. Court is dismissed."

"I won."
[ rest in peace to all of the beautiful souls who lost their lives to corrupt police officers. They deserved better than this, they could have lived their lives surrounded by the people they loved very much. Fly high angels. xx ]

;1,222 words

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