Chapter Seven

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Boy above is Axel Draven Vacker

I walked the stairs, first time in years. When I got up I called Levi's voice. No answer. I rushed to my room. Worried that she was taken by the Neverseen again. But when I saw my room I let out a mini laugh, when she heard me laugh she took off her ear-phones off. "Oh hi Mommy! Look what I found! It's a squarey thing!"
"It's called a iPod." I said.
"There's this thing on the bottom, it's a circle, when you hold it down it speaks. It said 'hello Sophie Foster' but my name is not Sophie Foster so I said 'no, my name is Levi Calla Vacker.' And she said 'would you like me to change your name to Levi Calla Vacker?' And I said yes. See?"
I held the button down, and sure enough. 'What can I do for you Levi Calla Vacker?'
I smiled. "You know, this used to be mine when I was Forbidden Cities."
"You were in the forbidden cities! Why'd you go there?"
"Well, I was born there. When I was twelve your father found me and brought me here to the Elvin World. That's why I have brown eyes."
"Oh, I thought you were an elf. You're just a plain old human."
"I was raised by humans, and I never fit in because I was a elf."
"Oh ok! Why were you born into the human world, but actually an elf, have brown eyes, and have five special abilities. I thought the most someone's ever had was two. "
"How did you know that?"
"You and daddy were talking about it."
"I'll tell you when you're twelve."
"I'm only eight! That four years!"
"Fine. Maybe when you're ten, or sooner." I winked at her. I glad you discovered that iPod. I thought I lost it a while back. But it also scared me a bit."
"Well, when you didn't answer, I got worried that the Neverseen took you again."
"Mom, your paranoid."
"I know. Let's go downstairs." I wrapped my arm around her then whispered the name of her brother in her ear.
She nodded, we went downstairs hand in hand. I led her to my spot next to Fitz, she sat on my lap. "Yeah, after this can I have some Ripplefluffs," When I nodded she went on, "Welcome to the world little Axel Draven Vacker."

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