Chapter 5

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You guys are literally the best!! 1K reads!! I can't believe it, you brought the biggest smile to my face. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Lana's POV

"Can you believe that he's actually trusting her?! I heard that they can control their victims, I bet she's using him so she can eat us all!"

'Well someone's being negative' I can't really blame them for all they say about me. There's always been distrust between our species, and I doubt anything is going to change that. Not even this crazy mate thing. The pack is gathered around watching as Alexander leads me in towards the woods to go to a "secret cabin" so we can begin our swimming lessons. It still amazes me that by them living so close to the ocean he never even tried to learn. But after what he told me this morning I don't really blame him.

*Flashback to this morning

Alec insisted that we leave as early as possible to head down to the cabin to start, and why we had to start at the crack of dawn I had no idea. Didn't humans ever hear of sleeping in?

"So why exactly did you never learn to swim again?" I was truly curious, it's not like werewolves can't swim. I can remember when I was very young there was a pack that lived near a cove, that was mine and my mothers home. The first time I saw a werewolf was at that cove, they were having a huge party because their Alpha had just retired and his son was taking over. A bunch of pups were swimming but when I tried to get close enough to speak to them their parents all tried to attack me. We left the cove soon after and headed west where we stayed for quite some time.

"It's not like I didn't want to learn" he turned around to face me as he was fixing his wrist watch. "I was always taught that there were terrible things in the water that could kill me so I just avoided it, I didn't really see it as a necessary skill to learn."

"You do know that we generally won't bother you unless you do something like drag us out of the ocean and kidnap us" I gave him a pointed look. "No offense but wolves don't taste good, all the sea creatures I know are either cannibals or prefer human meat"

He cringed at that comment and our conversation was dropped.


After walking for what seems like hours I needed a break. "Are...we almost... there?" I panted out while leaning against a tree. Alexander turned around and smirked at me instantly which made me want to punch him.

"What's wrong, still having problems walking? I can always carry you again if you can't handle it."

"No, I'm perfectly fine I was just wondering if you had gotten us lost" I retorted back. I'm really not sure if he knows where he's going anymore because I swear I saw this tree about 20 minutes ago.

He suddenly stopped, making me run into his back and almost fall backwards. "Hey! Why'd you stop like that for?"

"Sorry about that, I'm going to need to shift so you can get on my back to get to the cabin"

"I am not going to be riding you"

"Maybe not tonight" he gave me yet another one of his smirks.

"Ha Ha, you're so funny." I said in a mocking voice while making a face.

"Come on, I promise you won't fall off. I'll even run slow."

He ran behind a tree and I could hear the rustle of him removing his clothes. The sound of bones cracking came soon after and then the same wolf I met that day on the beach stood before me with his clothes tied around his back leg. He ran over to me and started staring at me with a look that said 'trust me?'

I was honestly getting tired of walking, these dumb legs were still giving me problems and still making me trip over random objects. It wasn't the speed that bothered me I personally loved going fast, but the mate bond would absolutely love to put me in a situation where we had to have physical contact.

I could tell he was getting impatient with me as I weighed the pros and cons. Fatigue eventually won and I wanted to have enough energy to swim around.

"Fine I'll do it, just lay down or something so I don't have to jump"

He wagged his tail and laid down just as I had asked. He looked way too happy about me giving in, but my feet hurt too bad to truly care. I slowly climbed onto his back so that I was straddling him, he yipped at me and I could practically hear the satisfaction in it.

"Don't be cocky, I'm doing this cause I'm tired and that's it" I wouldn't admit how soft and silky his fur was as it brushed against my legs or how comforting his body heat felt.

He stood up and tilted his head back to look at me. I wound my hands in his fur so that I could hold on if he decided to go all wolf crazy on me, and then he took off running.

"Slow my ass! You're doing this on purpose!" I shouted at him. We were going so fast that the wind was burning my eyes as I tried to keep them open. He made a noise that I more felt rather than heard, that what I assumed was a laugh. It was a strange sound coming from a wolf but it was oddly nice at the same time, making me laugh as well.

Alexander's POV

I smiled inwardly when I heard her laugh, she's been way too tense at the pack house. But I can hardly blame her, after the first encounter with some of my pack members I'd be on edge too. I had thought that by her meeting only a small group would be a nice way of introducing her, however it completely backfired since I accidentally left out that my mate was a siren. I didn't think they'd act like that to their Luna no matter her species, but I also didn't think she'd walk around half naked either. Just thinking about how those men we looking at her made me let out an unintentional growl.

"You okay? Is something wrong?" She questioned above me. I gently shook my head and switched from sprinting to a light jog. The cabin I was taking her to was one my father built while he was still Alpha, it was intended as a get away for my mother who had severe anxiety attacks when her duties as Luna became too much for her. It was far enough away that no one would bother her and it included all the things she loved. My father put it all of the things a normal cabin would have such as bedroom, kitchen, bathrooms, etc.. but he also included a huge library with thousands of her favorite books, an attached greenhouse that lead out to an even bigger fenced in patio with a iron gate leading out to a large lake.

I can remember coming here with them many times during my childhood and each memory was full of happiness. I wanted to share this place with Lana, so that when she needs a break from the pack she can come here on her own.

I came to a stop in front of the cabin and crouched down for her to climb off my back. As soon as she had slid off I shift out of my wolf and stood next to her.

"So what do you think?"

"I think it's-OH MY GOSH YOU'RE NAKED!" She shrieked.

I just laughed and began putting my clothes on as she hid her face in her hands.

"Do you have no shame?"

"Not around you love, besides you're going to see me naked eventually so you might as well get used to it"

"A little warning next time would be greatly appreciated" as she said this she removed her hands so I could see a blush staining her face.

"Don't act like you didn't like it, would you like to take the grand tour?" I gestured my hand up towards the cabin.

"No I didn't like it, and yes I would love a tour"

"Sure thing" I said winking at her. I grabbed her hand and started leading her inside, I felt her tense at first but she relaxed almost immediately. I mentally high fived my wolf that she was letting us hold her hand as I opened the door.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while many things happened. I tired to make this chapter pretty long to make it up to you guys but today is my birthday and there were too many distractions and my mind went blank. I hope this is good for now. I love you all! See you next time!

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