Chapter 2

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Thank you guys for waiting so long! I'm really sorry about taking forever on this but I finally found the time to finish it. I haven't edited it yet so I apologize for any mistakes. Also the picture up there is Alec just so you know! (He's hot isn't he😍) and the song doesn't go with this chapter but I recently watched Pirates of the Caribbean cause its my favorite and this was the song the mermaids were singing and I really liked it.

All rights reserved. This story belongs to me and no copies should be made unless with my consent. All characters and situations are fictional and are a product of my imagination.

WARNING: this chapter has slight sexual content that might make some people feel uncomfortable. If you feel uncomfortable then please feel free to skip it.
Lana's POV

'No! No! No! No!' she mentally screamed at herself. 'How can this happen? I shouldn't have a mate!'

Sure, everyone is supposed to have a mate but not me! Sirens aren't supposed to find mates because it messes with our instincts to kill and the mating bond makes it so mates can't kill each other no matter what. Right now her siren was furious, she didn't know if she wanted to attack him or to make out with him. She was fighting against herself and she didn't know how to stop this inner turmoil.

She had to get away from him so she could stop all these feelings. If she stayed here any longer she knew that his wolf would take over and keep her with him for the rest of her life. She loved the ocean, she loved the freedom of the wide open space, with no one telling her what to do or where to go. But it she stayed with him she would be confined to his pack, she would have to obey the alpha's every order. She refused to bow down to a werewolf and let him take away her freedom.

Suddenly, she knew what she was going to do. She had to run, there was no other choice.

She glanced up at him and saw his still shocked expression. Clearly she wasn't the only one having problems handling this news.

Preparing to swim away, she quickly turned around and took off trying to escape from him but she wasn't fast enough because he grabbed on to the base of her tail just above her fins.

"And where do you think you're going?!" he yelled at her. 

"Away from you obviously now let go of me!!" She said as she thrashed around trying to break free from his grasp.

"I'm not letting you go that easily. You're coming back to my pack this instance so we can figure something out" with that he began dragging her body towards the woods.

She started to panic as he began pulling her out of the water, she was grabbing anything she could to try and pull herself out of his firm grip.

She was fully out of the water by now and she turned around to look for something, anything at all to save her! She saw a tree that was close to her, she awakened her inner beast and reached out to the tree and dug her claws deep inside and squeezed her arms around it to get a better hold on it.

"Lana! Let go of the tree right now!" his voice turned more aggressive than before as he continued to pull on her tail.

"I'd like to see you make me!" she yelled back defiantly.

She realized those weren't the best choice of words at that moment as his eyes flashed gold and his wolf took over. She had challenged him and now he was going to prove that he could make her let go.

Using his wolf's strength, he pulled so hard on her tail that her claws were ripped out of the tree and her upper body fell on the ground.

She felt like all the air had been knocked out of her lungs as she felt herself being lifted and thrown over his shoulder.

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