You Dont Understand

Start from the beginning


Ari x

Harry's reply

Wanna hang out? We hardly got to talk yesterday

H x

My reply:

Sure, I'll just change
Meet you at our usual place?

Ari x

Justin: Ari-Ariana?

I look at him confused

Me: What?
Justin: I've been talking to you for the past 5 minutes about OUR wedding and you've totally ignored me. You're too interested in whoever you're texting
Me: What no I'm not I was totally listening to you
Justin: What was the last thing I said about it

My phone dings, I look at it read the text and and smile


Yep see you soon baby doll

H x

Justin: See! Yknow what Ariana whatever clearly they're more important than our wedding

We pull up on the driveway, Justin gets out and slams the door and goes inside. I sigh, get out and follow him in, he's cleaning the kitchen I go over to him

Me: Babe..

He ignores me

Me: Justin?

He ignores me again, I sigh and go upstairs to change into something to go see Harry. I put on a cute outfit, touch up my makeup and come downstairs

Me: I'm going out
Justin: Of course you are
Me: What's that supposed to mean?
Justin: Nothing, go
Me: What?
Justin: Go
Me: Fine

I walk out and walk to mine and Harry's usual meeting spot, Starbucks. He's already there, I go over to him, we hug and sit down.

Him: Hey
Me: Hey
Harry: I got you your's still a caramel cream frappuchino right?
Me: Yeah An thanks
Harry: Last night was so good! You an Justin should have parties more often

I smile

Me: Yea it was an haha we would if we didn't have to clean up the next day, well I say we Justin's doing it right now, he's p****d at me
Harry: Why?
Me: Oh he was tryna tell me something an I was texting you an he was all like "clearly they're more important than our w...relationship"
Harry: Damn, don't worry Ari he'll get over it
Me: I know I just hate him being mad at me, anyways what's new with you?
Harry: Well I've moved out from my mom and dads
Me: Awh that's cool congrats, how did they take it?
Harry: Yeah an eh...well they kinda kicked me out
Me: What why?
Harry: can I tell you something
Me: Of course what's up?
Harry: I..I'm...
Me: It's okay Haz I'm here no matter what
Harry: I'
Me: Okay

I smile at him

Harry: Do you hate me?
Me: Why would I hate you?

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