Chapter 13

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"Yo Bey what the hell you give this boy to eat?"

I turned my head from the TV and chuckled, Shawn was holding Sage away from him as he made a stinky face. It was clear as day Sage needed his diaper changed.

"He's a baby, he doesn't smell that bad."

"You a damn lie, come change him." He tried to pass him to me, but I blocked it. When he saw I refused to change our stinky son, he smacked his lips and got up from the bed. "The next one you're changing."

I continued to laugh as Shawn complained. He never has a problem changing the kids diaper when they have peed, but a shitty diaper? Yea, he bitches and moan about that.

While I was busy watching TV, there was a knock on the door. I already knew it was Lexi because of how high the knock was. I yelled for her to come in.

"It's pretty quiet in here, thought you guys were asleep." She stated. Shawn had walked backed over to the bed and sat down. Sage got out his father arms and crawled over to his sister.

"Just watching TV, what's up? Don't ask me to cook anything if that's why you're in here. It's Friday so you know I don't cook."

Lexi shook her head no, "No, I actually came in here to let you guys know that my dad said he couldn't come pick me up today."

"Are you serious?" I said with a frown. "He barely comes out here and the weekend he does, he can't come get you. That sounds like some bs to me."

"You know he can't never come through for Lexi. It's like pulling teeth to get him to do anything for his child." Shawn added his two cents. "He probably got an excuse lined up as to why he couldn't come."

All Lexi did was shrug, I know we shouldn't be talking about Kenneth like this in front of her, but it's irritating that he never does for her. I swear sometimes I wish I would have put him on child support.

"I don't know and I don't even care." Lexi admitted, "I was just wondering if it would be okay if I could spend some time with Michael since my dad isn't coming to get me anymore."

I should have known she was up to something. Lexi wouldn't have even came in here to let me know about Kenneth, I would have figured that out myself by walking into her room and seeing she was still here.

"Where you guys going?"

"Um we decided to just get something to eat since the both of us haven't eaten yet. Then after that we might find something else to do."

Before I made a decision, I looked over at Shawn to see what he was thinking. I know he doesn't agree with Lexi or even like for Lexi to spend time with Michael. And regardless if he's her stepfather, his opinion is needed just as much.

He turned his head to face me when he realized I was looking at him, "What? You waiting on me to decide?"

"Kind of."

"You already know how I feel about ole boy." He said with a shrug.

"So, is it a yes or no?" Lexi asked impatiently.

"Go ahead, Lexi and be safe. And don't do anything stupid because I haven't forgotten." I raised my eyebrow to give her a hint on what I was talking about. I trust my daughter but at the same time I still have a feeling she smoked the other day when she was out with this girl Jessica.

"Yes, ma'am." She put Sage down on the bed and he started crying for his big sister. The way he likes to be under Lexi you would think she was his mother. Shawn grabbed our son and laid him on his chest to calm him down.

Something New III (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें