Chapter 7

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"Beyoncé that's ratchet. How are you fighting at a funeral?" Logan asked over the phone. I was on lunch break telling her about what happen in Dallas.

"Girl, Kelly tried me thinking I was going to let her disrespect me. She accused me of sleeping with Kenneth when he was at the hotel room. I kindly let her know that what she thought happened didn't happen. She got in her feelings said some shit and I said some shit and then we started fighting."

"What would even make her think that. It's been how long since you left him. I'm sure you would think twice before sleeping with him again."

"It was probably his ignorant ass mother. From the moment, I step into Dallas she was on bullshit with me by saying slick remarks. Before Kelly even thought about saying anything to me she was sitting there talking to Caroline. Once their conversation was over with she came barging at me talking about I slept with her man."

I laid my head back on my chair as I thought about my crazy weekend. All I was trying to do was be there for my daughter and pay my respects but somehow it ended with me fighting my ex's fiancé like I'm in high school or something.

The main thing I hate is that Lexi had to witness me fighting. I never want to be a bad influence on my children and I don't want them thinking fighting is the solution to a problem they have with someone. But at least she knows her mother doesn't play games when it comes to being disrespected.

You disrespect me or my family then I will become disrespectful and put you in your place.

"So, what did Shawn say when you told him what happen?"

I sighed thinking about the argument we had when I walked through the door Saturday evening. As soon as he saw the scratches on my face, he interrogated me, then basically said it was my fault because I wouldn't let him come. I got mad at him for being right so we argued until I grew tired and made him sleep in the guest room.

"Nothing really, we basically argued because he wanted to tell me 'I told you so' I got mad and we went back and forth until I told him to get the hell out the room and he left to sleep in the guest room."

Logan chuckled a bit, "Bey are you serious? You guys are still not on good terms? It's been like two weeks now, y'all need to put y'all pride to the side and let it go."

"That's him not me!" I said in a childlike voice. "He's the one who wants to have this grudge for whatever reason. I apologize for hitting him but he wants to act like that's not enough."

"Bey, you know he's probably still mad about you telling him what to do instead of talking to him so that you guys can agree on the same thing. You told me before that you two argued because he feels like you're too controlling."

"I know it's just, I'm trying to change my ways but I feel like if I compromise with him then what I want won't go as plan."

"Just talk to him and get everything resolved. This arguing that y'all doing is not good." I agree with her, I feel like the kids are hearing us and they are seeing what's going on as well and I don't want them to get the wrong idea that Shawn and I don't love each other.

I was going to continue my conversation with Logan, but Naomi knocked on the door. I let Logan know I was going to talk to her later.

"Sorry to interrupt, but the intern your interviewing is here." I looked down at my phone and sure enough it was 1 on the dot.

"Okay, let her know she can come in." I put my phone in my purse, closed my laptop, and grab the application that I printed out.

Soon it was a young lady knocking on my door to get my attention. She was a pretty girl that looked to be in her early twenties.

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