Just Home

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Danny's POV

Still in the apartment after 3 days, luckily no one has found me. Feeling alone may be hard as of now, but I think I can take it, even though I broke down yesterday, realizing how fragile my life really is. Minor suicidal thoughts came to my mind but they drifted away slowly. I've seem to make a living out of this old apartment, I like I'm at really at home. Home is just home, wherever. "Why am I the way I am?", I asked myself, sighing in grief. I peered out the window just gazing out there, the sight amazed me as usual. I've gotten adjusted to living here in this abandoned apartment, and I don't care who judges. 'No one's gonna get me', I thought.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming up to the second floor. Is anyone here to find me? No. Not this. I felt a little freaked out, but no worry at all. "Is anyone here?! This is LAPD!!", I heard a voice said, now I'm scared. Then in a flash, BOOSH, they broke the door! "Hey, you must be Leigh Daniel Avidan, the missing person, you were reported as missing and no one has found you. Luckily we did.", the policeman said to me. "W-why are you h-here?", I stuttered in fear. "We've found you, we're gonna get you home safely, Leigh.", the other officer said. I chuckled a little. "You two must be mistaken but... this is my home.", I said. "Sir, this doesn't look like home, your two friends know exactly where you've come from.", the officer said. "What two friends?!", I questioned. "One of them was a little girl, the other was by the name of Arin Hanson. They were the main ones looking for you. We're gonna call them and tell them where you are.", the other officer replied. I can't believe this, why are the police here? I wanna be alone, here. I watched as the other officer dialed his phone. "Hello?", a voice answered. "This is Officer Hawk calling you to notify that we've found Leigh Avidan. He's here in an abandoned apartment in the abandoned Holiday Inn, you are able to come to get him home safely.", the office said to the voice, I noticed that it was Arin. "Thank you so much for finding him, officer, I'm glad you did!", Arin replied. "No problem, it's our job.", the officer said and hung up.

I wanted to cry badly, I don't wanna go home. "Don't worry, sir, they're coming for you. They'll be happy to see you.", Officer Hawk's companion, Officer Johnson said to me. "N-no, I don't want them to c-come.", I shuttered. "We're trying to get you out of here, this is an abandoned building.", Hawk replied. "I don't care, I'm staying here no matter what!", I sassed standing my ground. "Leigh, you cannot stay here! We're gonna get you outta here and that's final!", Johnson yelled angrily. "NO!", I hollered. "That's it.", Hawk said, he was fired up. He decided to whack me in the face with his baton and I fell hard. He brutally beated me on the back and Hawk joined in. "Please stop!", I sobbed. "You're not gonna stay here!", Hawk yelled. "You can't tell me where I can live!", I cried, then Johnson hit me in the face. "You're not staying here!", he said.

I felt so defenseless and weak, I still can't believe the police found me here in this abandoned building. Why would Arin and Rubia try to find me in the first place? I just want to be alone!

Arin's POV

The LAPD told us that Dan was in 251, an old apartment in the abandoned Holiday Inn. "C'mon, Arin, let's get in there and rescue our Danny!", Rubia said to me. We got out the car and headed up to 251, it was an unbelievable sight! The cops were brutally beating him with their batons. "Oh my gosh!", Rubia cried. "We're only doing this for his own good, he REFUSES to leave this place!!", one of the officers yelled. "Danny, why won't you come home?", I asked him. "Leave me alone, Arin, go back without me!", Danny sobbed. Rubia then took the initiative and stopped the policemen, apparently she didn't want to see him being abused. "Good thing you're found, Dan, at least you're still alive.", I said. "We'll let you guys take it from here.", the other officer replied. "Thank you both very much for finding him, we were worried to death about him!", Rubia said. "You're very welcome.", the officer said, he left the apartment with his partner, us three were left behind.

"Why are you guys here?", Danny asked. "We wanted to find you, Dan, that's why!", Rubia replied. "I wasn't even missing, you two only assumed I was missing, but I was only gone for a bit because of that traumatizing situation of thinking about Charlotte's death in 'Presentable Liberty.", Dan replied, "I understand that it was only a game, but I can't even imagine how I'd feel if any of you die." "Only the future would know, Dan.", Rubia cooed. "She's right, Dan, no one really knows what their future may behold. Only the man upstairs knows.", I explained. Dan leaned into my chest sobbing heavily, droplets of blood staining my shirt. Rubiphire was holding onto his arm and laying her head on it.

"I-I'm sorry I ran a-away, I just felt so heartbroken at that moment.", Dan wailed. "It's okay, Leigh, at least we know you're okay.", Rubi said to him. "You should get home, you need rest.", I suggested. "I'd rather stay here instead. Please let me be, guys.", Dan whimpered. "Danny, c'mon, everyone misses you now, luckily and thankfully the officers helped find you, and they did.", Rubi explained. "B-but...", Dan cried. "But what?", I asked. "If I came back, how would everyone react? Will they be mad at me?", he asked. "No one will be mad at you, Dan. They'd be happy to see you again because they love you and they've missed you.", I answered. "Really?", he asked raising his head up and wiping his eyes. "Yeah, Leigh. We love you!", said Rubi with glee.

Dan sighed in grief, but he felt ready to go home anyways. "I guess I'm ready to get out this place, I do wanna go home.", he said. "Atta boy, Dan. Everyone else will be happy to see you the next day.", I replied. 'You're gonna be fine afterward, I'll be able to take care of your wounds for you.", Rubi softly said in a comforting tone. "Thank you, Rubia.", Dan said. "We saw your car out there, how bout we follow you back to your real home?" , I say. Dan nodded trying not to cry again. "C'mon, let's get outta here.", he said.

(Written by RoyalRubia)

The Disappearance of Dan Avidan (Series 2 Story 3: Collaboration)Where stories live. Discover now