I Just Want To Be Alone

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⁃ Danny's View -

If my phone had gone off one more time, I was throwing it out the window. Multiple phone calls coming through and even text messages.

I didn't want to talk to anyone.

I wanted to be alone.

Even Arin's special ringtone had gone off a number of times. It took everything in me to ignore them, all they wanted was to know that I was okay.

But I wasn't exactly sure if I was okay.

Of course, it was a stupid game. Something like that can't happen; or at least if it does it'll be in hundreds of years.

Just the fact that I could potentially loose everyone I have ever loved in a matter of days; it kills me inside. I was nothing before I met Arin, I was just some stoner trying to make it into the music scene.

Then Rubia came along and everything changed again. I never expected to actually find someone I wanted to be with, and be rejected.

The most unexpected ring tone was Rubia's, I never expected for her to care enough to actually call and make sure I was okay. It had obviously been a week since I left my room to go to the office but that doesn't mean I'm not okay.

My voicemail was full. I would listen to the messages and keep them because I couldn't handle having any new ones come in. If I got one more text message of phone call, I'm burying my phone in the park.

I had everything packed. A backpack full of enough clothes to last me a few days. I needed to leave and take a breath, to calm my mind back down to a normal state.

Everyone was okay, no one was injured or lost.

But I couldn't wrap my mind around that fact. The game wasn't real and that was the one fact I couldn't comprehend.

Was anyone really okay?

Was everyone faking it?

(Written by FallingInBlackPanic)

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