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Dear Quinn,

I'll take you back to where the story matters.

It started when he asked you to discover the universe with him.

It was in science class when you had to find partners for a project on space.

The first person he turned to was you.

"Want to be partners?" He asked.

You were surprised. You didn't even know him. So you asked, "why?"

"Because Quinn Harper," he stated knowingly. "You intrigued me from the first day I laid my eyes on you, and I'd like to get to know you better."

You were so flabbergasted and overwhelmed on what to say so you just nodded. He was gorgeous, with his piercing blue eyes. You knew you were in trouble.

You threw out ideas on what to do. Black holes, dark matter, the Big Bang Theory. But then he stopped you.

"No," he said. "Let's discover the universe."

That's where everything started.

From, You [Editing]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora