InuYasha Fan Fiction: A new life part 43

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The Release

Another day came.

Like what happened yesterday,

They were all gathered together to know more about Kagome being in the company.

"How did Kagome got two faces?" InuYasha broke the awkward atmosphere by asking to start gathering more information.

"Kagome was bullied when she was a kid. Yes, I was her classmate, but not her savior. I can't fight. I was weak before. Because she was always bullied, there came a day when all of her anger divided her personality as it pops out. Thus, the fierce one was created." Hiten explained.

"..did Kagome stopped the bullies?"

"Nearly killed them, actually."

"Wait, how?!" InuYasha's eyes opened wide. He can't believe that Kagome can do such a thing.

"She grabbed some glass beakers from the Science Laboratory and threw it at them. They were all injured, also, some glass shards were embedded inside their body, that's why she almost got suspended."

"almost?" Kikyo asked.

"Everyone knew it's also the bullies' fault, that's why they considered her to stay."

"...that's lame." Kikyo crossed her arms as she stomped her feet.

"Stop that anger against my girlfriend." InuYasha raised his middle finger to her for a second then grinned.

"SHUT UP! YOU KISSED WITH ME! SO I AM NOW YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Kikyo slammed her clenched fists against the table while standing up in pure irritation.

"I think he did that only to satisfy his craving." Hiten glared at InuYasha.

"You got me right, detective." InuYasha winked at Kikyo.

"GRAH!" the teacher grabbed her tray of food, then moved to another table.

The other prisoners stared at her, but she doesn't care.

InuYasha just chuckled.

"Satisfying a human's own craving by using another human is stupid, InuYasha. Especially when you're just using and suddenly throwing women like trash." Kagura suddenly spoke.

"Shut up. You're also satisfying your and the member of your company's craving through creating such unusual crimes."

"True, and I regret it. That's why I'm placing Kagome on the line."

He went silent.

"'re fucking stupid, Kagura." InuYasha rested his arm on the table, same on his chin on his hand.

"Thanks." she smiled.

Hiten sighed in annoyance and continued explaining. "Kagome's fierce one was often called Kagane. This side of her only shows up occasionally, but when this one shows up, it's like: the start of the World War III. Only a touch of a hand of the one that she loves: maybe a family, a friend, or a lover, can take out the anger that the bad side of her feels and replace it with love."

InuYasha's eyes widened as he remembered the time when he touched Kagome's wrist, which made the original Kagome show up.

'Kagome seriously needs me... How could I ever leave her...? ' InuYasha thought as he feel very sad.

"Well... InuYasha is the lover of her... But what about when she was a kid? Who touches her when she's at her bad side?" Naraku asked.

"Me. If not, Her mother."

"Wait, what? You?" InuYasha interrogated.

"Hey, like what I said earlier: the one who can help her can be a family, a friend, or a lover of hers." He re-explained.

"Oh, sorry. I think I... misunderstood that. Sorry." InuYasha chuckled in awkwardness.

"it's okay--"

"InuYasha Taisho. Come with us."

Someone spoke behind Hiten's back.

As they all looked to the speaker,

InuYasha noticed that it was the police.

"Did I... do something wrong again?" he asked.

"No, stupid. Pack your things up. Right now."

"What...?!" His eyes opened wide.

"Higurashi Kagome, a friend of yours, along with his boyfriend, Sesshomaru Taisho, who is also your brother, paid the penalty of what you did just earlier. And now, you're free."

He froze.

' b-boyfriend..? K-Kagome, why..? '

Kikyo suddenly grabbed InuYasha's wrist, then dragged him away.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" the police yelled.

Kikyo went a few steps away from the police, dragged InuYasha behind her, then moved her arms sideward, forbidding him to go away.

"I'll never let you get my boyfriend!" Kikyo shouted.

InuYasha quickly grabbed her shoulder, and pushed her badly down on the ground.

"Stop dreaming, Kikyo." he cursed.

As she sat up and stared at him, tears unexpectedly fell down from her eyes.

She watched InuYasha walking away from her to the police.

"InuYasha... A-After all t-the things w-we did..." she stuttered... and continued crying.

After a few minutes of packing, InuYasha, on the other hand, followed the police to the office, where Kagome and Sesshomaru wait.

"Here we are." the police opened the office, and there he saw Kagome and Sesshomaru, standing up in front of him, while holding hands.

Of course, InuYasha noticed it.

"Why did you even thought of releasing me THAT quick? The sin that I did just happened recently."

"Because I miss you, InuYasha..."

"HEH! Gee, thanks, Kagome! I miss you too! And nice holding hands with your... BOYFRIEND!"

He went outside the office, then went straight to the gates of the jail.

"InuYasha, wait!" Kagome ran and grabbed his hand.

InuYasha whipped her hand away from his, and gave a glare.

"I forgave you... I realized that I need you... Even if you now love Kikyo, and not me, I still love you! Why are you so mad?!" tears started falling down.


"W-What...? B-Boyfriend...?"

Sesshomaru suddenly approached.

"Wow, InuYasha. You're overly affected. Kagome isn't my girlfriend, okay? I just came up with a plan to fool you since it's now April. Happy April Fools Day, you fool!" Sesshomaru laughed.

"Sesshomaru!" Kagome shouted as she pouted.

"So it means..." InuYasha stared at Kagome.

"Yes, she's all yours. That holding-hand-moment? It only shows our friendship. I give up, sir. I can't grab her. Because she really loves you."

Kagome suddenly gave InuYasha a warm embrace.

"After all the things I did... You still haven't forgotten me... I love you."

"I love you too." Kagome whispered back.

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