Chapter One - Scarlett

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The auditorium is huge, ten thousand capacity and we are completely sold out. I stare out across the bare floor, the doors yet to be open. The house lights are up making the stage unbearably hot. Sweat was already clinging to the nape of my neck, by the end of the night I would be a sodden mess of black and green hair. The cleaners are doing the final clean of the seats in one of the sections of the upper balcony. Someone screeches a noise through an amplifier, to which another person yells all sorts of profanities at them.

"Scarlett darling, there you are."

I turn around to see Estelle walking out, teetering in those killer heels that she looks like she is going to fall out of. She fluffs her short blonde bob into place as her heels click along the floor. Estelle has always been one to dress like she is twenty years younger, but I never say anything, although I think she gets more action than I do.

"Hey Estelle."

"My replacement will be here to meet you tonight."

"Great." I mutter. "Sure you still want to retire?"

She chuckles. "Oh my dear, I am so looking forward to a very long holiday. Even got my tickets booked, ready to find a bit of toy boy action."

I grin, so typical of Estelle. I really wish she wasn't retiring from management. I owe my fame to her, my success, everything I am, it is because of her. She is a woman that is focused and driven and she expects the same from her clients.

"Well, if you see my career dying, I want you to come out of retirement, you hear me?"

"Oh you." she playfully slaps at me. "You will be fine."

She looks at her watch. "Well my dear, time to get ready."

Half way through the gig, I settle the crowd down, wanting to have a little bit of quiet. I look out at the sea of bodies, crammed into each other, in the distance it is a blur so many people. They look hot and bothered, sweat soaked hair.

"We should put the fire hose on them." Candy looks at me with a cheeky grin.

Candy is a cheeky trouble maker. If there is something she can occupy her time with that happens to be naughty, then she's in on it. Usually she's the ring leader. I nod at her as she puts her guitar down.

"Go and see what you can find."

Turning back to the crowd I point at them. "Are you hot and sticky?"

They all roar, cheering, the people in the front waving their hands, gesturing for the water. I see Candy pulling a fire hose out from the side stage.

"Ready guys?"

The water gets sent through the air, sprinkling down on them, Candy struggles with the hose as one of the security personnel comes out to help her.

"You realise the fireies will probably turn up now?" Asher says as he stands beside me, watching Candy.

"Yep." I chuckle.

Asher had that twinkle in his hazel eyes, it was like he beamed his thoughts just by the soft smile and adoring eyes. We had our thing several years ago, both of us deciding that work came before anything else but when I looked upon him I could see that he was never my forever after. Asher was a man that liked to have the groupies fawning all over him and I was just as bad. Neither of us were ready to settle. Both him and Eddie were my eye candy to keep the fan girls swooning. Sure they were great at their instruments but what sold me about them was more than their talent. Candy however was different, although she was the cutest bundle of pink hair on the planet, she was here because she was my best friend and she was a great guitarist.

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