Chapter Three: Moving to the Devils Lair

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(A/N: Hey guys here is chap. 3 hope u like it )

(Aqua's POV)

I was startled cause someone is shaking my shoulders. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Himchand face a bit scared.

" Why did you wake me up Himchan is their something wrong " i said with a sleepy tone. I think i'll be needing rest today cause it's only saturday and it's a long week end for me.

" Actually Ms. Lee where already here at my masters Dorm, you can get out now if you want " he said. I just bowed my head and went out of the car.

I lookes up and it was totally big, bigger than our house but it they don't have a parking lot.

" So Ms. Lee a few of you're things are in you're room the maids fixed your clothes and arranged here you luggage and my masters are at their Gym, go on and meet them i hope you will be fine here Ms. Lee " Himchan said. I nodded and went in.

Their gate was enourmous and i think it's really expensive they even have a garden and a pool.

Then Maids accompany me to my room.

We went upstairs and found many rooms, my room was on the third floor on the left and i think i'm going to share a room with a boy named Luhan i guess cause that's what os written in the door.

" Here Ms. Lee this will be you're room, actually you'll share their is your bed beside Mr. Hans bed, i hope you enjoy you're stay here and be free to go anywhere you like okay, if you need help i'll be right at the maids room bye " the maid said while she smirked at me.

Why do people smirk on me, is their somethong wrong with me or what.

I put my luggage on top of my bed and started fixing it. I opened the cabinet and all of my clothes that was stolen last night was here and that's weird.

I took all my clothes from my luggage and put in the cabinet. I put the luggage on the side of the cabinet and their my things are properly fixed.

Where's is everybody, i went put of the room and walked up, and i found the gym and music room.

I went to the Gym and found twelve hot and sexy boys.

They where sweating and they don't have upper shirts so i can see their muscles and abs.

One guy came closer to me and pulled me closer to him.

" Welcome to our Dorm our own slave, i'm Kai nice meeting you babe " he said. He leaned and smelled my neck and he inserted his fingers on my jeans.

I kept on pushing him but his to strong. He pulled back his hands and lick it.

" You're wet honey, i'm.sure you'll enjoy you're stay here ' he said then gave me a smack on my cheeks. Then he left.

Then the Eleven remained in their position but some of them came closer to me.

I noticed the guy with blonde and was very tall. He was the guy i confronted at my coffe shop.

He went closer to me and pulled me again.

" See i told you, will meet again i'm Kris don't forget my name okey " he said and squeezed my butt and left again.

Then all of the remaining guys went over me.

The tall guy with black hair and big ears unexpectedly licked my lips and pulled me to his arms.

He leaned closer and licked my neck and i can't help too moan. cause i have a tickled side their.

" I'm Chanyeol nice meeting you sexy chick " he said and gave me a smack on my fore head.

FUCK ME IF YOU CAN (EXO BS FAN~FIC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ