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The king knew that if he let Liam and Justin go near his sister, they will go nuts.

Keeping this in mind, he carefully planned out their next duties so they could be as far away from her as possible.

He also offered jobs to Harry and Niall.

The thing was, these jobs were just an excuse.

He had made multiple attempts to kill both of them but didn't succeed.

He decided to lay low for a while and plan out his next move.

One sunny afternoon, Niall and Waliyha were chatting away in her bedroom when Liam and Justin barged in.

Seeing Niall close to her made their blood boil.

So without thinking they lunged at Niall.

Niall being the champ he is took all the blows, shielding Waliyha with his body, which angered them even more.

Two loud smacks were heard.

The smacks were the result of a rod hitting Liam and Justin.

On the other end of the rod stood a raging Harry.

Without any further pause he continued to attack them but soon the tables turned.

Harry took every hit until he couldn't; anymore.

The poor guy was unconscious.

King Zayn finally showed up.

The two raging men were suddenly floating in the air, the invisible force grasped them by their necks.

"Guards!! Take them to the dungeon, sedate them if necessary!"

Soon the doctors were called.

Harry and Niall were bandaged and taken care of.

At least one good thing came out of it:

The king finally accepted Harry and Niall.


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