XVII. Concern

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Author's P.O.V.

You know what, I should get to the point...

Shimizu... well, she actually wants to get closer with Sora since she has a pretty good impression of him because of her dad's stories and so. Okay, now for some scene...

Eversince Shimizu knew that Sora wasn't living a healthy life, she started to visit him more oftenly for like 3 weeks or so...


Sora: <opens the door> Hi.

Shimizu: Eh? That was fast.

Sora: I saw you coming to my house.

Shimizu: Well, can I come in?

Sora: Oh, sure thing. <gestures her to come in>

《Shimizu took a seat on his couch.》

Sora: You want something to eat?

Shimizu: Nah, I actually brought you some food.

Sora: Wuuut? Again?

Shimizu: Why? You don't like the food I make?

Sora: I do like it... but-

Shimizu: Get some plates, I'm gonna eat here with you.

Sora: Okay...?

《Sora prepared the table.》

Sora: Shimizu, can I ask you something?..

Shimizu: What is it?

Sora: Why are doing this?

Shimizu: Do what?

Sora: You know... it's just that, you always come at my house and bring me food an--

Shimizu: Uhm... d-does it bother you?

Sora: No! No... to be honest, I do feel happy every time you come here. I'd like to thank you for accompanying me. I was just wondering why you do this...

Shimizu: (Hmm, I don't really know either, perhaps...) I'm concerned about you and I just want to be nice, that's all... (I guess...)

Sora: Hmh... I was actually starting to think that you were up to something...

Shimizu: Eh? Really?

Sora: Yeah, since most people would act nice if they want something...

Shimizu: Ahehehe, no no no no... I just wanted to be nice to you, since I left a bad impression to you at first. <chuckles>

Sora: When? I don't remember.

Shimizu: You know... at the Inn... I got mad at you... and blablabla.

Sora: Ohh, that. (Lol, I haven't paid for the bottles yet.)

Shimizu: By the way, did you replace the bottles?

Sora: ...Nnn-yep-ooo.

Shimizu: What? Was that a No? Or Yep?

Sora: Nope...

Shimizu: <sigh>

Sora: Well, atleast I apologized.

Shimizu: Never mind that...



Sora's P.O.V.

Right! I think I should ask her out for the Moon Viewing Festival.

Sora: Shimizu.

Shimizu: Yes, what is it?

Sora: I was wondering... has someone asked you out for the Moon Viewing Festival?

Shimizu: Ah? What's that?

Sora: "Moon Viewing"...

Shimizu: Oh... well no one asked me out yet. <gasp> (Is he gonna ask m--)

Sora: Well then, I'm gonna ask you out then. <looks into her eyes> Will you go out with me?

Shimizu: (Ah! Stop staring into my soul.) Y-you mean... to celebrate Moon Viewing Festival with you... right?

Sora: Hm, If that's what you think then it's alright...

Shimizu: Okay~ I'll go out with you.

Sora: Ahehehe~ traditionally, girls were supposed to be the one asking the guy out for this event.

Shimizu: Eh? Really? To be honest, if I only knew, I would've asked you out. Heehee.

Sora: R-really? <blush>

Shimizu: Yep. <smile>

Sora: You know...

Shimizu: What?

Sora: N-never mind...

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