II. Visitors

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Sora left Pachi at home and he went to town to gather some informations. As he makes his way to the Inn, he saw the town mayor, Luvias, by the town square.

Sora: Ms. Luvias!

Luvias: Oh, Sora. Nice to see you. I haven't seen you for the past 7 years...

《Luvias said as she sighed.》

Sora: Uhh... I don't think so. You just dropped by my house last week.

Luvias: Oh, I did? Did I?

Sora: Yeah...

《Luvias is the town mayor. She is a very positive and sensible person. She is open to all of her residents that's why she gained the residents' trust in no time. Besides, her father was the former mayor of the town who just passed away this autumn. Luvias is 29 years old but sometimes she acts like a kid.》

Sora: Ms. Luvias, I just wanna ask you if there's a new resid---

Luvias: Sora! I almost forgot, we have visitors in town. They're from The Big City. They just arrived the other day! They also have a cute daaawg. Mouuuuu, why don't you introduce yourself to them, they're staying at the Inn but I don't really know where they are right now.

Sora: ...

Luvias: Oh! You were gonna ask me something right? Now what was it darling?

Sora: Uhh... Nevermind. Thanks anyways.

《Sora facepalmed as he walked away from Luvias and makes his way to the Inn.》

Luvias: Sorraaaaa!!!

《Luvias yelled from the town square as she waves her arms to Sora who was just about to enter the Inn.》

Sora: Geez...

《Sora waves back to Luvias as he opens the door and hears a thud and shattering of glasses. He was shocked and thought that he might've hit someone as he opened the door.》

???: Ouch...

《Sora quickly checked the back of the door and saw a lady on the ground rubbing her forehead with shattered glasses around her. It was a mess.》

Sora: Oh! Shoot! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!

《He exclaimed as he lend a hand to the lady.》

???: ...

《The lady ignored Sora's help and stood up by herself. Sora seemed to be a bit embarassed and quickly took his hand away.》

Sora: (Drat! I think she is one of the visitors Luvias was talking about!)

《She has waist long dark-fuschia hair that complements her mulberry-purple eyes. She has a shapely figure, and glossy skin. She looks radiant on her vintage dress. The lady looked at Sora and gave him a blank face.》

Sora: A-are you all right?

???: Ya. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm... completely fine.

《She said and gave him a frown.》

Sora: Uhmm... Does that does mean she's not fine?

《The lady crossed her arms and started to tap her toes on flats. Sora looked into her eyes to read her out but suddenly, her eyes widened and her brows furrowed, trying to give him a clue that she is NOT fine.》

Sora: Miss...

???: Hm?

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