Chapter 23 - When The Rain Got Beautiful

Start from the beginning

"Tell. Me. What. You're. Gonna. Do?" I coarsed, roughly.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He shrugged, that sin of smirk never left his face, he yanked his hold from my arm and entered the car.

That bastard!

Aisha's POV


I know it's early when there is no light struggling to get past the grime on my blinds. I can hear the drum of rain on window pane and I bring my hand down in a semi-drunken stupor onto my alarm clock.

I'm in definitely no mood for breakfast right now. I'm going to regret that by the time the sun is up, but making a sandwich is just beyond the scope of my abilities right now. I stand up and grab the dress on the chair, next to my bed. It's my uniform for work, a old fashion white net dress with a colar - it lands upto my knees. A black belt surronds the waist area, in a corner there's a written symbol of 'Hotel Pensiula'.

I got into the toilet, brushed my teeth and went to take a warm shower.

Normally the sensation of the steamy water calms me; it takes my mind of things. All the things I honestly don't care about. But today it's different I stepped into the shower, my toes flinching as they touched the chilled ceramic floor. My mind was in shreds; I just can't get the picture out of my mind. Thousands of lukewarm drops, darkened my hair and trickled down my back. My eyes fell closed over and over, each time showing me the images they were like scenes - Me having tears in my eyes, him grabbing my waist, us dancing together, then me pushing him off and running away.

It was like cycle that blurred my vision everytime I close my eyes.

I once again closed my eyes to the water as the heat soaks into my skin, and leaned against the cool tiles as my weak legs threaten to buckle. It happened again.... Tears, Waist, Dance, Eyes, Push and Run.

"No." A sharp breath escaped my mouth - in a panic, my hand collided with the shower stop - closing of the shower. I took deep breaths, not knowning what to do.

I don't have time to think about all this, I need to get to work!

I step out of the shower and start to get dressed. Instead of struggling with knots in my wet hair, I blow dry it, then brush it. My natural shiny wavy hair scattered down my back. I brought it up high and tied in a ponytail.


Outside it is as black as night, only by the clock can I tell the difference between the time to sleep and the time to rise. The dawn will come as I walk to the hotel, lighting my way first in monochrome and then with subtle hues of colour.

I hate the rain. Why is it even raining today? ... The clouds are grey and rain falls in crazy chaotic drops, the gusting wind carrying them in wild vortices one moment and in diagonal sheets the next. Its absolutely disgusting - the rain would make the grass muddy and the foothpath wet, not making easy for people to walk.

As I neared the corner of the street I spot my destination. I've been doing morning shifts for the past few days, It's kinda amazing! I always look forward to it. Hotel Pensiula is beautiful and the people are great.

I wonder what could ever go wrong there?


I took off my coat and kept all my equipment in the staff room.

I went through the twin doors that led into the lobby, it is pristine white with golden handles. When I got to the lobby, which was normally were I work the most, I smiled at the speldid sight.

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