"Didn't know I was interrupting your breakfast."

And now... it would have to wait, he thought sorrowfully as he placed his fork down and pushed his plate away from the edge. It's seems Robin was the only one to acknowledge the new visitor as he turned around. "Wonder Woman, it's an honor to meet you. My name's Robin. Is there anything I can do to help you?" He asked politely as the chatter from the others slowly came to a halt at the name. Percy, on the other hand, slunk his way around the counter and back towards the fridge on the opposite side of the room, going unnoticed all the while. He wanted to see about grabbing a bottled water to clear away his pounding headache and get enough strength to vapor travel away within a hour or two.

"I was looking for Batman. I asked him to look up some information for me last week but he still hasn't reported anything to me. It's vital I talk to him as soon as possible." Her blue eyes locked on to Robins, the intensity of their depths causing him to cast his gaze over her shoulder. Robin had to admit that Wonder Woman was a really beautiful lady with her black wavy hair, light complexion, and deep blue eyes that could harden like steel or soften to a mothering look; but the lady was usually scary as hell, Wally could attest to that much.

"I haven't seen him since yesterday. I think he returned back home to do some research on some things. I'll let him know as soon as I see him, Okay?" Robin gave a small smile as Wonder Woman furrowed her eyebrows at the loud crash that came from the kitchen. M'gann giggled from her seat as a few annoyed words flew from the kitchen, but most of them she couldn't recognize... like it was in a different language.

"My bad! It was just a very important looking vase!"

Wonder Woman frowned at that voice. She didn't really come around the younger team of heroes as she was always busy and she didn't have a sidekick like the others, so she didn't truly know everyone; But she couldn't recognize that voice from anywhere, at least she could do that much with the teenaged-heroes. Maybe the team got a new hero-in-training or something along those lines. Surely, Batman would have announced that at the last Justice League meeting, wouldn't he? It was important to keep track of all new heroes and their powers just in case someone else may have to work with them in the future.

"Who's that?"

The question was innocent enough, but Connor crinkled his nose like it hurt to even think about it. But in reality, he just got a big whiff of something that smelled like rotten eggs; usually, the smell often originated from the garbage truck that drives painfully slow by the building every morning.

M'gann smiled as she picked up her plate and grabbed Connors empty one. "Oh, That's Percy. Batman brought him in yesterday." She walked into the kitchen just as Percy was placing broken pieces of ceramic in the trash can. Noticing he was caught, he gave a sheepish grin as he rubbed a hand through his hair that made M'gann pause before giving a full show of her teeth. He reminded her of a child getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Diana frowned. Why did that name sound so familiar? She was positive that she had heard it from somewhere, but where exactly? It wasn't like it was that popular of a name, and it was kind of strange for a man to have it. She shrugged after a moment, the reason as to why it sounded familiar would eventually appear; not like she has to stress over something so simple.

"You guys have anything planned today?" That was a dumb question, but she wanted to stretch out her visit, if only a little; the rest of the justice league wanted to sometimes act like the young warriors didn't exist, because It was easier to believe that the older heroes was doing okay enough that they didn't rely on children for back-up plans. But it was important that the Justice league have some form of acknowledgement for their hard work instead of staying behind scenes in all aspects.

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