Chapter eight

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"You kicked servando's ass for pushing alex?" Karla laughed.

"No, of course not." I said.

"As far as I'm aware, servando came back the next day, with his face beaten up. Your going to tell me it wasn't you?" She questioned.

"It wasnt!" I said. "I mean, im going to be honest, I wanted to beat the crap out of him for hurting alex. But hes Alex's best friend, if i hurt him, I would have hurt her and I didn't want that so no I didn't hurt him" I said.

"If you say so" she said writing down in her clipboard. "So what happened to alex? And so on?"

Once soccer practice was over, I head to the hospital. While everyone else went to the team bonding at Kelley's place.

"Mrs. Morgan?" I said once I saw Alex's mom with coffee in her hand.

"Tobin" she smiled once she saw me.

"How's alex?"

"Minor concussion"

"That's good, I was hoping it wasn't something big."

"Yeah, I just dont understand how it happened. Alex said she was standing up and lost her balance and fell down, that sounds not possible. I'm worried. You don't think she's pregnant" she said very worried.

"No no, she's not pregnant" i said.

"I hope not" she said and drank her coffee.

"Do you think i Can see her" I asked and she nod her head and took me to Alex's room.

"Lex, how you feeling buddy?" I asked sitting down on the chair near the hospital bed.

"Depends, is there ice cream involved if i say im doing great?" Alex said lowering the volume of the t.v.

"Funny but No, seriously Alex"

"I'm good." Alex said.

"I'm going to talk to the doctor" Her mom said leaving the room.

"You should have came, kels will kill you if you dont go to the team bonding" alex said looking at me.

"Lex, You lied to your mother!" I said raising my voice. "You didn't tell her the truth, and now she thinks your pregnant."

"Haha she's funny" alex laughed.

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"Tobs, because Servando, is a nice guy. Hes my best friend. She would have press charges. I don't want him getting hurt." She said

"So you'll rather get hurt?" I asked. "Ohh great, let's let him beat the crap out of you cause he's your best friend" I said frustrated.

"Toby, hes not going to beat me up, this was an accident. Hes a nice guy, He's my best friend"

"An accident?" I asked trying not to lose my temper. "He pushed you and you fell!!" I whispered.


"No, Lex I can't believe you right now" I rolled my eyes.

"Come lay down with me" she said motioning me to lay on the hospital bed with her.

I did as told and held her in my arms. I started playing with her hair. We were both quite for a while.

"I wanna go home. I'm okay, so when can we leave?" Alex asked.

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