Song preference-She's So Mean

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James-'And all her clothes are on the floor and your records are scratched'
During your honeymoon, you and him got into a huge fight and you left him to go to the bar in the middle of the night. You even broke a mirror when you were mad.

Sirius-'She's an uptown, get around, everything goes girl'
You grew up pretty rich as you were part of the Potter family. You always got what you wanted and were very spoiled but Sirius loved it about you. You could get everything you wanted but you were always an easy going girl.

Remus-'Cuz she's a hard core, candy store, gimme some more girl'
Remus and you were always pretty much opposites. He was the nerd of his friends and you were known for being very rebellious

Severus-'She makes you just a little bit crazy'
Severus was pretty calm but around you, he would be a little more rebellious and outgoing.

Tom-'She'll turn the knife into your back and then she's calling you baby, crazy.'
When you and Tom had fights, they were simple little fights. They were usually violent with someone usually bleeding by the end of the fight but as soon as something bad happens, you or him would go apologize to each other.

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