He realizes he loves you

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James-James never understood what real love was because he never got it in return from a girl however after he saw you working with a few first years on spells and thought it was so sweet of you to do instead of sitting around like most people would do. He thought it was adorable.

Sirius-Sirius had seen how you were with James and he knew how close you and James were so he always wanted that family. However, around the third night at the house where he stayed with you and James, he saw how you were with your parents and how polite you were so he started to slowly fall in love with you. He even started to sleep talk about it which James very much hated.

Remus-He realized he loved you when he woke up after full moon to see you by his side. You had overheard Sirius talking to James about Remus's little furry problem so you skipped all the classes until Remus got better soon.

Severus-Severus always loved you ever since he met you. He thought you were beautiful and that your unique abilities would make you different and he liked different.

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