You realize you loved him

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James-It took a while for you to realize your feelings for James. You had always though he was annoying and arrogant. However, one day, when he was teasing Severus for being and I quote 'a freakish snivellous boy' and you stood up for Severus however when James pushed you against a tree telling you that he liked your sassiness, you started to slowly realize that this boy wasn't as bad as you thought.

Sirius-You had always had a small crush on Sirius because come on, who didn't but when you were at the Yule Ball alone, he walked up with a glass of punch before saying,"come on Y/N, you look bored to death and I decided to ditch Marlene to spend time with you."he smiled as he grabbed your hand before kissing your cheek.

Remus-You realized you loved him in sixth year when you were partnered up with him for a potions project. You hated the class but you were paired up for a huge experiment. You would have to give the other person a touch of the love potion to see how they would react. While you were working before you even tried the potion, he grabbed your hand by accident and you felt some sparks in your stomach.

Severus-You kinda always knew you liked him however when you were in third year, you didn't get your permission slip signed for Hogsmeade after you and Severus had been planning for months, however while Severus was gone, he had bought you a huge bag of every candy at honeydukes for you. You saw the cute sweet side which made you fall for him even more

Gosh this chapter to me was a bit cringeworthy especially James's.

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