“My god Jessie1” I shout beyond worried. “He is going to jump off the stairs and swing where? There is no where to swing! And what if that chandelier can’t handle his weight? What then?”

Jessie’s eyebrows draw together with confusion. Obviously it is hard for her to keep up with the line of questioning when so far from being sober Shaking my head, I remove my hand from her arm and push away from her.

“I need to stop this!” I shout back to her right when the crowd forming around the stairs scream again in unison. Cursing under my breath, I turn around and desperately look for a way to stop the guy from jumping.

But all my attempts prove pointless when a battle cry causes me to drop my drink.

Before I know what’s happening something slams into my stomach and I’m hurtled toward the ground, my body already prepared for the impact. It seriously was going to suck.

Suddenly, before I have a chance to bust ass, the person on top of me rolls over and takes the brunt of the fall.

Gasping, we roll over a few times before finally the person settles over me, their weight lighter than I expected.

My eyes are closed shut and I open them when I hear a whoop of cheers. When I glance up to see who cushioned my fall, I notice the guy with the helmet leaning above me.

How poetically perfect.

“Well,” the guy drawls above me, his voice slurred under the helmet. “If I knew I was going to land on such a beautiful girl, I would of tried this ages ago.”

I grunt, not even letting his compliment get to me. He leans on one of his gloved hands by my head, putting his weight to the right.

“What are you?” I ask, sitting up and scooting away from him. “A daredevil bad boy who get’s his kicks from jumping off of stairs?”

I try to move my right ankle but wince at the new pain. Great. If this guy ruined any chances of me healing before Friday’s game he will be wishing the stairs took him out.

When I look up, I see that the helmet has disappeared. Messily styled light brown hair falls into his eyes attractively and his smile is too big for his face. But by the slight tilt of his head it seems like he might actually be considering my question.

“Daredevil? Yes. But I prefer self-acclaimed adventurer.  Badboy? Nope. Well...” His voice trails off and gives me another bright smile.

“I do have a tattoo.”

“How enlightening,” I deadpan, pushing away from him further. He runs a gloved hand through his hair, a bright smile on his face.

“Oh, very. It seems to give me more trouble than it’s worth. I tell girls I have a tattoo? They swoon at the idea.It’s like girls just love trouble.”

“Oh my god,” I laugh, not even bothering to hide how ridiculous he sounds. “Are you always so confident?” He leans forward and offers me is hand and I ignore it. He shrugs before standing up.

“Are you always trying to be a damsel in distress?” I slowly make my way up, having to lean against the wall to support my ankle.

“Excuse me?” I ask, my anger more from the pain then him. “Are you always so...” I throw my right hand in the air, searching for the correct answer.

He grins impishly and a dimple appears when he does. “Handsome? Exciting? Conceded? Though, if I am being honest, you did technically already call me a self-centered jackass.”

“So me calling you confident really translates to self-centered jackass?” He pushes toward me, his voice dropping. I put my weight on my good foot and move forward a little so I can hear him over the still screaming crowd.

Kissing Prince CharmingWhere stories live. Discover now