Chapter 3-Meet The Competition

Start from the beginning

Ghost:Oh yeah he really smooth....

Yang;Well,you did want to see the competition.

Weiss:After him!

We ran after him.Weiss turned the corner of a block and bumped and fell onto a girl.

Weiss;He got away!


Weiss got up.


Ghost:That is 100% a exo.


Ghost:yes.I just did the scan now.

Yang:are you ok?

???:I am wonderful thankyou for asking.

Yang:Do you want to get up...?


she got up and everyone backed up.

???:I am Penny!

Ruby:Hi penny.I'm Ruby,That's Yang,Blake,Weiss,and Y/N.

Ruby:Well it was nice meeting you.Take care friend.

We walked away but the girl came after Ruby.

Penny:You called me friend!Am I really your friend?

Ruby:uh...yeah sure!

Penny:Sensational!We can paint our nails and talk about cute boys!

When she said that I backed up a step.

Ghost:I know what your thinking.RUN

Yang:so why are you in Vale?

Penny:I'm here to fight in the tournament!
Weiss: You hardly look the part.Wait do you know that Faunas rapscalion from the boat?

Penny: Ummm....

Blake why do you keep calling him that?he's not a rapscallion!

Weiss;Would you like me to stop calling the the trash can a trash can?

This argument went on for a while we said goodbye to Penny again and went back to our rooms.They were still fighting when we got back.

Y/N:Good luck with that.....


Ruby:See you around...

I went into my room and sat on the bed.Hopefully tomorrow would be better.

The next day I decided it was time I relaxed a bit.I went into the city for a me day.The whole day I wondered the city learning and seeing how the people here really interact without fear of the darkness.Mid way through my day,I saw ruby and caught up to her.

Y/N:Hey.Whats wrong?

Ruby:Y/N!Have you seen Blake?!
Y/N:No,what happened.

Ruby:Her and Weiss got into a fight and she ran off and I've been looking for her everywhere and I can't find her!

Y/N:I'll go look on my own now.I'll find you if I find her.

Ruby hugged me.


I ran off into the city to try and find her.

Y/N:any ideas,Ghost?


I noticed a hooded figure watching me from inside a alley.He seemed mysterious.

Y/N:Maybe he knows.Hey!

I called out to him but he ran.I chased him through the alley for a while until I noticed the sun starting to set. he lead me to the docks.Crates were all around me.I heard a ship landing on another dock.I stood at the front of the dock and sighed.

Y/N:Why do strangers never stop and explain.Why don't they ever explain why they don't have time to explain!?

Ghost:Exo stranger much?

I walked into the maze of crates. I heard a noise like something was walking.I heard movement next to me and as I turned to my left,A giant crate was thrown at me and I flew across the dock and slammed into another crate.


I stood up and I couldn't believe my eyes. a Cabal colossus stood in front of me.He wore bulky armor with the usual cabal mask.


Ghost: I'm Just as confused as you are!

The colossus laughed Shot at me I ducked behind a crate as his gun fired never ending rounds.Thankfully,he stopped.The only reason he would stop would be if he was out of ammo or his gun got jammed. I guessed it was the second reason because he threw it down the gun and charged at the crate where I was.he threw the crate out of the way and grabbed me.He laughed and threw me across the ocean onto another dock.I landed on a crate.


He jumped onto the crate I was on but I rolled out of the way and pulled out my sniper.I got a few shot off on him.This only made him even angrier.He charged at me I doged his charge making him run into three stacked crates.When he knocked the crates out of the way,I saw another fight happening. It was taking place on a nearby dock.
I saw the same guy from the heist a couple weeks ago,his name was Roman Torchwick.I also saw I think Blake and Ruby?I screwed up.I saw penny and that monkey guy from the boat along with a lot of what I could only guess were White Fang members.


He grabbed me and threw me across the water and into the middle of there fight. I landed hard on the concrete.

Once the people saw us most of then ran but some tried to fight the colossus.One guy stabbed its leg with a sword the Colossus just stared at him and then stepped on him and laughed.

Colossus: PATHETIC

I saw three ships flying in to pick up the survivors.Once one of the ships got close to the ground, the Colossus Literally grabbed the wing of a ship and threw it into the ocean.The Colossus then stared at me.


He charged at me but missed hitting some crates again.I saw Roman Torchwick get into a ship and fly off.the other ship wasn't far behind.The only thing left was the Colossus.Everyone started to form around me.

Ruby:What is that!?

Y/N:Uh i'll explain later.Just know its bad and it doesn't like us.

The Colossus stood up and looked at me.It charged,full speed at us.

Blake tied its legs with her weapon making it fall.The monkey guy split into three versions of himself and penny shot her swords at his arms.They both held down his arms.
Ghost:hurry,that won't hold him for long!

When he was down,he looked up at me as I walked toward him.I aimed my gun at its face.


Y/N:Yeah,sure buddy.

I gave it one Gjallerhorn rocket to the face and it fell dead.

I turned around to see everyone staring at me in confusion.I had a lot of question for them to. But first things first,I had to deal with the body.

Y/N:Now who wants to help me push this body into the ocean?

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