Chapter 8

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Noelle's POV

When I left the tour bus I just started running. I didn't really know where I was going but I just had to leave. I just let the wind dry the tears on my hot cheeks. I can believe Justin would do something like that to me. I have him my heart and he took it and crushed it. I gave him my fucking virginity. I just kept on running until I found a sports bar in a sketchy neighborhood. I shrugged and walked in.

"Hey how may I help ya?" the bar tender asked.

"Can I have a Vodka coke please?" I asked the bar tender. He nodded and started making my drink. My mom used to drink this all the time, especially when she was upset. The thought of my mother made tears fall out of my eyes. I hate her so much but at the same time all I want to do is hug her and tell her how much I've missed her.

Justin's POV

Noelle is no where to be found and I am starting to get really worried. We all have looked all over for her. Ariana and Jasmine have been calling and texting her non stop. Caitlin has been crying the whole time because I hate her but no one has any sympathy for her right now. Not even Christian does. Scooter was practically ready to kill me when I told him what happened. He said I should of run after her. I know I should of. ugh I feel so guilty. What if she's actually hurt? Who knows where she has been or what she has been doing? if I don't find her soon I just might go crazy. I suddenly felt tears coming out of my eyes. How could I have let this happen. Even though the Caitlin thing wasn't my fault I should have listened to Noelle when she told me she was getting bad vibes from Caitlin and I especially should of run after her when she ran away. Right now Ariana and Jasmine were in the back of my car and we were driving looking for her. Ariana had been crying non stop. I was crying to but I just kept that to myself.

"Guys can we just go in and get some water in that sports bar? I really need some" Ariana said in between sniffles.

"I don't know Ariana it seems kinda sketchy and I don't want us to get mobbed" I said.

"Oh please justin there are just a few old guys in there I'll be fine" Ariana said as she got out of the car to get water.

A few seconds later Ariana came running out of the bar.

"Justin!! Help now!!" Ariana yelled. I quickly got out of the car and went into the bar. When I got inside I couldn't believe my eyes.

Noelle's POV

When I finished my drink I was a bit tipsy but I could still handle myself. I decided not to get another drink because I didn't want to do anything stupid here. A mad that looked about 30 years old came over and sat next to me.

"Hey beautiful" the man greeted me. That kinda made me feel uncomfortable.

"Um hi" I said as I scooted back a bit.

"What's your name princess?" he asked me.

"Noelle" I mumbled.

"Pretty name Noelle. My name is Charlie" charlie said.

"You're so sexy" Charlie whispered as he started feeling my thigh.

"Um please stop" I begged.

"Come on babe I won't bite" Charlie said as he started feeling up my shirt now. He was rubbing all over my back whole trying to kiss me.

"Stop" I yelled.

"Don't tell me what to do bitch" Charlie yelled as he got closer to my boobs. I almost slapped his face but he grabbed my wrist and squeezed it hard.

"Owww" I whimpered in pain. Charlie just laughed and put his hands back on my boobs. I felt tears coming out of my eyes. Charlie moved one of his hands from my boobs and put it down my leggings and underneath my underwear. This made me extremely uncomfortable. Just then someone walked through the door. I looked to see who hoping they could help me. I saw it was Ariana's face.

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