Chapter 3

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Sorry its been such a long time since I've updated. I just have so much going on. I'll ttry to update more often.


Noelle's POV

I lightly shook Justin so he could wake up. Even though I was mad at him, I just had to be gentle. He means too much to me to hurt him. After a minute of shaking, Justin finally woke up.

"What?" I heard Justin's grogy voice ask.

"What is this picture?" I asked as I shoved my phone in his face.

"I'ts a picture of you, beautiful" Justin smiled as he sat up from his position.

"Justin! Now everyone is up my ass! I told you that I didn't want to be in the public eye but thanks to you now I am" I scolded.

"you said that we could be public friends when we get out of Atlanta" Justin defended.

"Yeah we can but that doesn't mean you can make people think we are a couple" I threw my hands up in frustration. I sat down and opened my twitter. Once I saw the horrible things people were saying about me I just lost it. Tears were rapidly coming down my face. I just sat there, sobbing. Once Justin realized that I was crying h erushed to my side and wrapped his arms around me.

"Whats wrong Noelle? Please don't cry. Talk to me" Justin said as he rubbed my back.

"look, @beliebinginjuju66 says "get away from our man you little slut" and @believetour456 says "Look you little whore, no one likes you. I hope you burn in hell"" I sobbed.

"Noelle don't listen to them. They don't know you. Don't let people behind a screen bring you down" Justin whispered as he whiped my tears.

"Promise it will get better?" I asked Justin.

"Promise" Justin answered as he interlocked fingers with me.


12:00 PM

Justin's Pov

Noelle eventually stopped crying and got ready for the day. It really hurts to see her hurt. I have to protect her. No matter what I always have to make sure she is happy. Thats a promise I made to myself when she told me what happens at school. I have to make sure she never feels that ever again. Noelle was sitting in one of the rooms listening to music. I decided to join her.

"hey Elle" I said as I walked into the room.

"Aye Jay" Noelle replyed while throwing up a piece sign.

"Watcha listening to?" I asked her.

"Katy Perry's 'Who am I living for?'" Noelle replied. I know Noelle has always looked up to Katy. I look up to Katy too. She's so inspiring and genuine.

"Nice" I siad as I sat down on the couch.

"Hey you wanna go out today? I don't have a show tonight" I asked her hoping she would say yes.

"Wanna go now?" She asked.

"Wow you actually wanna hang out with me in public?" I fake gasped.

"Yes I do" Noelle giggled as she got up and headed out of the bus. I followed her and lead her to my range rover.

"So where to?" I asked Noelle as I started up my Range Rover.

"Hmmmm, let's go to the mall!" Noelle clapped her hands in excitement.

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