Chapter 2

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Noelle's POV 

 I shut the door behind me and went into my bathroom. When I need to think I lock myself in my bathroom and sing. I sing whatever I want. It's like an escape. I never told my dad that I could sing because then he would presuade me to become famous and thats exactly what I don't want. I started singing my favorite song "Let it Be" By the Beatles. I'm really into old music. 

Let it be, Let it Be 

Let it Be, Let it Be 

Whisper words of wisdom, Let it be 

Before I could continue the song I heard my a knock on my bathroom door. Oh shit. 

Justin's POV 

Let it be, Let it Be 

Let it Be, Let it Be 

Whisper words of wisdom, Let it be  

I heard someone singing from Noelle's bathroom. I didn't know Noelle could sing that well. I knocked on the door slightly before she swung open the door. 

"What are you doind?" Noelle asked me in a annoyed tone. 

"I came up here to see if you were okay" I replied. 

"You could've knocked on my bedroom door" Noelle scolded. 

"I did but you were so into the song that you didn't know I was there. Then I opened the door and heard you sining. Noelle, you can sing really well" I defended. 

"Pssst no I didn't" Noelle rolled her eyes. 

"Yes you did!! Noelle you should sing with me on stage. The crowd would love you" I encoraged her. 

"The last thing I want is to be in the buissness" Noelle laughed. 

"Why not? You would be so successful" I said. 

"Because I would hate for the press to be up my ass all the time. Thats another reason why we cant be seen in public together. I don't want us to do something careless and then the media fucks up my life. Also the people at school would go insane. Thats why we are secret friends" Noelle explained. That one kind of hurt but she does have a point. 

"Who cares about what people think?" I laughed. 

"I do. I'm tired of being the school slut. I've never even had sex but still people assume that we're doing it" Noelle rollefd her eyes and sat on her bed. I sat down next to her. 

"Do you have any friends at school?" I asked her. She shook her head 'no'. 

"You have me" I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a tight hug. 

"Thanks Justin. I'm sorry we have to be secret friends but its for the best. I really wish we could but we cant. Maybe if I can go to a new school we could but my dad wont take me out of this school unless we move from Atlanta" Noelle explained. A smile spread across my face. 

"well I guess you're in luck" I smiled. 

"What do you mean?" Noelle raised her eyebrow. 

"After the tour we are all moving to LA" I attacked her with a hug. 

"Wait so you mean that I only have two more months in this hell hole?" Noelle smiled wide. 

"Yup" I replied popping the 'P'. 

"Yay!!" Noelle squeeled and jumped up and down. 

"So can we be friends in the public now?" I asked Noelle. 

"In two months" Noelle sighed. 

"I can't wait" I smiled and pulled Noelle in for a bear hug. 


2 Months Later 

Noelle's POV 

Today's the day we start going on the road. Justin and I are closer than ever. Now I finally don't have to see thoose bitches at school anymore. Those people are so dead to me. Over these past two months my hair has grown a bit longer. My stuff was finally all packed and ready on the bus. I didn't even bother saying godbye to Atlanta. I can't wait to get out of here! 

"Noelle hurry up we are supposed to be leaving now" Kenny called for me. I grabbed my purse and headed to the bus. I went on bus 1 with Justin. We were the only two who would be sleeping on that bus. Pattie, Kenny, Fredo, and Scooter were on bus 2 and the dancers were on Bus 3. Justin and I have a bus to ourselves because we would have friends coming on tour a lot. When I got on the bus I sat next to Justin who was playing on his phone. 

"Hey Justin" I said. Justin locked his phone and greeted me back. 

"Hey Noelle"  

"Are you excited to finally be back on tour?" I asked Justin. 

"Yes!! I can't wait to see all of my beliebers" Justin smiled. 

"I love how you say 'my beliebers'" I giggled. 

"Well they are mine. No one elses but mine. I will always love them more than they love me. They are the ones that made all of this a possiblity and I'm thankful for that every seccond of the day" Justin smiled. I looked at his arms and he had goose bumps just talking about them. 

"Your beliebers don't like me that much" I sighed. 

"Lemme change that" Justin laughed and pulled out of his phone. After a minuete he put his phone back in his pocket. 

"Check your twitter" He smiled at me. 

"Um okay" I shrugged and checked my twitter. Justin mentioned me in a tweet that read "Respect @noellebraun She's one of my best friends. You guys respect ryan, chaz, christian, and caitlin. Why don't you like Noelle?" Aww he's so sweet. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. 

"Thank you" I thanked Justin and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. A friendly one. Even though I wanted to be more than friends that just wasn't going to happen. I dont want the world to ruin my life. 


Justin's POV 

Noelle feel asleep in my arms. She looks so cute while sleeping. I decided to take a feew pictures of her and put them on instagram. I snapped a picture and captioned it "Sweet Dreams Ellie <3". I posted the picture and put my phone back in my pocket. I decided to go to sleep with Noelle in my arms. I couldn't wake her up. She looked too peaceful. 


Noelle's POV 

When I woke up I was in Justin's strong grip. I couldn't help but smile. I feel so safe in his strong arms. I managed to get out of his arms without waking him up. I picked up my phone to check my social media sites. My instagram was blown up so I decided to check it. Everyone was tagging me in Justin's photo so I clicked on it. It was a picture of me sleeping. Sleeping in Justin's arms. Oh shit. Now poeple know that we are on tour together so they are gonna think the worng thing.I went online to see what people were saying and the picture was all over the internet. This can't be happening. 


Sorry its another short one :( I'll post long ones on the weekend. 

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