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ROB'S POV: Now I have no idea what to think because two people who are great friends, Also almost my fam..... love eachother but don't know the other feels the same way! I wonder why they chose to confide in me though. Vikk could of gone to any of the sidemen or pack members other than Lachlan and Lachlan could of gone to any of the pack members other than Vikk. so why me... Why do I have to be the keeper of all things secret. First Jerome comes to me and admits that merome is real but on the down low than this.... Why me... Just why??? At least I can slowly get the two of them to see how the other feels. Now to plot how to get the shy Australian with the quiet Brit .


LACHLANS POV: it feels nice to of told someone of my dream or rather nightmare. I feel free to say whatever I want to anyone I'm glad to have a friend like rob. I just really hope that he doesn't say anything to Vikk or Preston. Now to try and get some sleep for the first time in weeks. I put my head on the pillow and the world went dark.... Very dark... Then a flash of white light showed before my eyeshadow if it was a screen on this screen was a video game I was all to familiar with.... Minecraft.... Not just a signal player world but it was the H4M server. I was walking around like I was in VR when suddely Vikk came out of nowhere his player looked at my player and I saw that he smiled a shy cheerful smile at me. There was a glint of pure joy in his eyes. That was when I knew there was someone somewhere that Vikk love with all his heart and would do anything for... Then It hit me that I'm not that person. it's probably some girl that he meet at a convention or something. So I put my head down and slowly walked away. I found a tree and started to cry asking the gods why... Why doesn't he love me back... It was then that I realized I was in a video game and I could do whatever I wanted so I went to Vicks IG house and saw him sitting sadly on his dock. I walked over to him, sat next to him and kissed him. But just after I kissed him I woke up sweating and crying.


VIKKS POV: I'm ok... I'm ok.... I am ok.  Rob knows how I feel and I'm ok... I'm ok... I can sleep for a little because I know rob won't say anything to anyone about this. As I fell asleep I felt like I was playing a video game.. But this game seemed simple and familiar to me.. Then I realized I was in the H4M spawn. I question my sanity fora moment but then I saw Lachlan.  walked over to him, looked him in the eyes, smiled, and started to say I love you but he put his head down a walked away before I could say anything to him. It was as if he knew what I was going to say and didn't want me to feel that way. I got worried that he would do something crazy like try to kill him self so I watched him from a distance For a bit. when I was sure he was in an ok state of mind I went to my IG house  and sat at my dock hopping he would come to talk to me. As I was about to leave he came over and sat next to me... Then he... He kissed me... And I woke up smiling wanting nothing more than for that to of been real. just as I thought that I feelt a tear slowly sliding down my face and came to the realization that it was just a dream and that would never happen in real life.

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