Chapter Seven.

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I woke up angry with myself I shouldn't have said that to Yusuf he just wanted to know what happened so now I have to apologize.
So I got up and made breakfast.
The children left for Aunty Halima's house, they are going to stay there for the night.

After getting breakfast ready I take it to the living room and went upstairs to call him.
He might still be pissed so I'm not sure if I should knock or just enter but I'm not sure of his mood so I just knocked.

I open the door and enter.
He was lying down on his bed wearing only his sweat pants.
"Breakfast is ready"
"Hmm" was all he said getting off his bed.

"Should I bring it here?"
"I'm not hungry"

I stare at him "How can't you be hungry? You didn't eat dinner either, so how can't you be hungry?"

"I already ate"
"What? When?" I ask confused because I don't remembering him enter the kitchen.

"Khadijah I need to take my bath can you let me do that?"
"But what about breakfast?"

"I ate out when I dropped off the kids".
"But you knew I was making breakfast when you left and you still ate out?"

He nods "There's nothing I can do about it now, I need to take my bath" He says telling me to get out.
I walk out but stand by the door "At least you should have told me".

"I didn't want to get my mood ruined" he says before he closes the door in my face.
I stood there stunned, he must have been really pissed.

I set up a tray with his breakfast.
He has been in his room since yesterday morning so I decided to make him breakfast.
I keep the tray in front of his bedroom door and knock "Your food is outside, eat it while it's still hot". I say.
"Hmm" was only I heard so I left, there was no need pestering him.

The sound of an engine soaring wake me up. Checking the window I see Yusuf drive out of the compound.
I can't believe he couldn't even wake me up to at least inform me so I can at least lock the front door.

I was so focused on getting him breakfast I forgot to eat so I went downstairs to the kitchen and behold there it was, Yusuf's food was untouched all he did was cover it.

I know I was wrong but do I really need to be treated like this?

Yusuf knocks on my door.
I saw him walking over and pretended to be watching.
"I'm going out, lock the front door".

"But I thought you said you wanted to rest? Or was it just an excuse to get rid of me?"
"No. Hassan and his wife just came back from Athens and I'm meeting him".

"Zainab?" I ask and he nods back.
"Can I come with you?" I ask sitting up.

"Not today and you need to go pick the children up, remember?"
"You can go see her on your own tomorrow" and with that he walks out not even leaving any room for arguments.

I run out after him.
"Can you just pick up the kids on your way back? I'm a bit exhausted".

"Fine" he says still walking down the stairs.

So I decided to pick up the children, I know I told Yusuf to but i need to talk to Anty Halima anyway, I called him but he didn't pick so he's probably still with Hassan.

I enter the living room and find the children and Anty Halima watching.
"Hey hey y'all" I say smiling.

"Ya Khadijah" Aisha screams as she runs over and hugs me, I pick her up in my arms.
"Having fun?"

"Yes. Uncle Yusuf is here too" Laila says taking Asiya from me "let her rest" she murmurs.

"He's here? Where?"
"He's with Ya Yasir in the main living room".
"Ya Yasir is back?"

Ya Yasir is Ya Samir's non identical twin brother and he just came back from Calgary last week. He and Yusuf are close but if Yusuf was meeting him why didn't he tell me?

"I'll be right back".
I make my way to the living room before I could even enter I heard them mention my name, the door was partially opened so I could hear them clearly.

"I don't know what's wrong with her, things haven't been easy for me too but she makes things so difficult and then apologizes and repeats it again".

"She's just heartbroken".
"She makes it seem like torture, I hardly ever ask her to do anything for me but she keeps making me feel like a villain. Now I can't even stand staying home, I order take outs and that's not a life I want for myself".

"I get it, both of you had someone in your lives and ended up marrying each other but will you two continue living this way? You need to reconcile and make it work".

He huffs "I don't know if we can".
"It's actually really surprising that she's behaving this way, it's unlike her but I think it's just a phase, you're still newly wedded and maybe all she needs is time".

"That's why it's more unbearable, because she's not like that".

I open the door and gasp, pretending I didn't know anyone was there.
"Ya Yasir? Yusuf? What are you two doing here?"

He looks at me perplexed "I should be asking you that, shouldn't you be home? I thought we agreed I'd pick the children up?"

"Yeah I decided to pick them up instead because I had something to discuss with Anty, I kept calling but your number wasn't going through".

"My baby sister" Ya Yasir says smiling "I can't believe I missed your wedding".

I laugh "Yeah. It was heartbreaking".
"Zainab and I were planning to come see you two tomorrow but then I ran into Yusuf here".

Yusuf nods using his phone.
"Then we'll eagerly wait".

"I need to make dinner" I hug him before turning to Yusuf "I'll take the kids".

He just nods back.

Yusuf's POV.

I know she heard our conversation, she tried to pretend she didn't but I can read her like a book.

"It's Khadijah, just calm down and sort things out". Yasir says reassuringly when we step out of the house. Khadijah already left a while ago.
"I hope so, I really do".

He looks at me worriedly "What's up with you?"
"I just told you"

"No, not that. You look pale and exhausted".
I shake my head "I probably just need to rest".

He nods "Make sure you do". He says as I get in the car.

By the time I got home Khadijah and her sisters were in her bedroom talking so I just went to bed, we don't necessarily need to talk tonight.

After gathering all the energy I could I finally pick up my phone, I was already an hour late and I have a meeting by 8:30am.

Slowly and difficultly I took my bath and got dressed. I was feeling dizzy, nauseous and beat up. I just drank a little coffee and left the house.

I could barely keep my head on the road. My hands were sweaty and I couldn't see clearly, everything was getting blurry and worse by the second. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest, my head was throbbing. Even people started fading and all I could see was faded colors.

I decided to park my car instead and probably call Khalid or Khalipha to come pick me up but the next thing I knew was something hitting the car and my head hitting the window and then everything went blank.


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