In Labor

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I look like imma 'bout to blow with my big belly!!

I'll be having me & Chris' baby tomorrow so I might go in labor in like 4 am or earlier.

My mom and dad stayed at the first guest room and Chris' mom stayed at the second guest room.

I had all the help I could get, but most of it was from Chris.

Chris made sure I was safe and being overprotective everyday.

That's why I love him!!

We were in our bedroom talking to my belly while our parents were downstairs doing who knows what.

"I can't wait 'till lil' man gets here," Chris said while planting kisses on my HUGE stomach.

(Did I mention we're having a boy!!)

"Yea. He's going your looks, your everything!!" I said excitedly.

2:00 am

I was in a goodnight sleep, 'till I feel something warm trickle down my legs.

I thought I peed on myself or something (ewww) 'till I realized it was coming from my stomach....

MY WATER BROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More and more was coming down and I felt sharp pains.

I woke up Chris to take me to the hospital.

"Bae, babe my water broke," I said in lots of pain.

"Ok, ok I'll get the bag and wake everyone up!" Chris said while hurrying.

Chris woke up everyone then my mom helped me put my shoes.

I was in extreme pain I couldn't make it to the steps. DAMMIT!!!

Chris and my Dad helped me to the stairs and car.

Chris's P.O.V

My mom sped to the hospital while I was in the back seat with Y/N's dad helping her breath.

"Come on bae, inhale....exhale, inhale....exhale."

I kissed her on the cheek and held her hand the whole time...

At the hospital.... 3:45 am

I hate to see my baby in pain.

Everybody was sleep but me and Y/N.

Minutes later the doctor came in and checked on her.

"Nope, your not ready yet. You're just at 1 and a half centimeters."

When the doctors left, that's when she turned to me, and squeezing my hand really hard (Ouchhhh)

"Bae, my back hurts really bad!! Can you call the nurses to give me Epidural??"

"Yea baby," I said before I kissed her.

Nurses rushing in

They gave Y/N the "Epidural" stuff.

I didn't know they gave you a shot in your back!!!

Her face was filled with pain. But moments later she looked like she felt better after.

After all that, her parents and my mom was STILL sleep!!!

4:04 am

Y/N still wasn't far enough, so we watched some t.v then said our "I love you's" before drifting off to sleep.

I was about to have a baby in a

Y/N's P.O.V

6:57 am

I was ready to go in labor.

And,I was sweating like hell!!!

"Ok Y/N, when I tell you to push, you push!!"

"Ok!!" I yelled while inhaling and exhaling really fast.

Chris started putting on his scrubs and kissed me on the cheek before going where the doctor was.

"I'm right here baby, I'm right here!!" I heard Chris say "down there".

"Ok Y/N, now when I count to 3, you push. NOW, 1...2...3..."

"AHHHH" I yelled while pushing.

Chris' mom and my mom were holding my hands while my dad was helping Chris.

"Good. Do it two more times. 1...2...3"

I pushed with all my might. I just want him out already!!

"Last time!! 1...2...3!!!!!"

At last, I'm done.

I heard my baby boy cry while they carried him to wash him and make sure he's healthy.


I love my new baby boy!!

Chris scooted me over on the hospital bed and right arm around me and left arm under the baby.

"Bae, we haven't even picked out the right name....what you wanna name him?" Chris asked.

I really didn't want to name him, I wanted Chris to name him cause that's what he talks all the time!!

"Why don't you name him? I mean, you talk about it all the time, what's on your mind?!?" I said while giggling.

"Well, I really wanted to name him after me bu-" I cut him off.

"There's nothing wrong with naming him after you!! I think it's....adorable," I said while kissing his jaw line.

"I didn't think you'd like it. But now I really want to name him that since you think it's....adorable!!"

I laughed and kissed him.

In the middle of our kiss, my mom and dad and Chris' mom walked in and Chris' mom bursted into tears.

"Ohhhh!! I have a new grand baby!! Lemme hold him!!"

Chris Brown ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora