The Tour

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the next day i was woken by a persistent knock on the door.

"what?" i groaned with irritation.

"may i please come in" a female voice asked. i looked up at the door as if i would somehow be able to see through it.

"alright" i stated curiously. the door opened to show a woman garbed in mostly grey, looking as much a professional as i had ever seen a person. she wore a grey speckled pencil skirt, and a matching jacket over with a light, thin, cream pink blouse under neath it. her shoes were simple, light pink heels, and she wore a pearl necklace around her throat.

"hello" she smiled, "i'm mrs. auburn. Mr. arctos instructed me to continue your tour today" she spouted, business-like.

"al-alright" i sputtered. my professional facade was lost somewhere in the jumble of new information flooding my head, and some time after cola walked into my hotel room.

"I'll wait outside for you to get dressd ok?" she asked politely although it was more a suggestion then a question.

I nodded. she exited the room and i quickly got dressed. when i walked out of the room i was mentally preparing myself for another day of impossible yet completely, undeniably plausible feats.

"I've been told to make sure you have breakfast before anything else" she spouts happily and waits for me to nod before turning and walking down the hallway, the click clack of her heels echoing off the walls.

I follow behind and upon noticing her outfit notice my own attire. i simply threw on the first thing i found. i had the luck to not be wearing sweatpants and an oversized shirt but it wasn't to far from it. comfy, lightwash blue jeans and a rather form fitting, blue to white gradient tank top. i blush slightly at the uncharacteristic, unprofessional outfit and all i can do is shuffle on and pretend not to notice.

we walk down hallway after hallway in the expansive building and finally arrive at a doorway, she opens it quickly and we walk in to a room like any other school cafeteria except slightly smaller. people sit at the tables with food on their plates but they seemed much older than i would expect any students here would be.

Teachers! i think as i see mrs. Ichthya. a tap on my shoulder reminds me of the woman on my left. she pulls me to a line with delicious looking food sitting behind glass waiting to be served on a plate. i smile as my stomach rummbles and i order a whole plate of food. it theirs one thing i love more than almost anything else in the world it's food, specifically good food.

we sit down and immediately i dig in. the woman looks surprised by my enthusiasm. "so", i say through a mouth full of food. "i dont beleive i've learned your name yet" i smile.

"yes you have, i'm mrs. auburn" she smiles.

"oh right, i remember now." i smile, i know thats not her original name by the way she says it. her hair in this light is dark, raven black, but the way the light reflects off it makes it look almost white. "so where is cola?" i ask remembering what she said earlier.

"oh he had important business to attend to. he'll be back later today but not for a long while."

"ok" i nod thoughtfully. i wonder where he went? i think and i'm captured in the thought as i eat.

but suddenly another thought jumps into my mind. "what's your real name?" i ask.

"what?" she asks.

i sigh, "i know mrs. auburn isn't your real name. it's the way you say it, it's not natual to you." i spout, now it's her turn to nod thoughtfully.

"it's sinencis arctos" she replies. surprise grips me, actos, like cola arctos.


"im his cousin." she smiles, she does look slightly younger than him.

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