Enter The Visitor

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I stepped out of the taxi quickly and took a deep breath, bearly noticing as the the cab driver got my bag out of the trunk, set it beside me and drove off without another word. i was to busy staring up at the massive, steel and glass, bleak building looming infront of me.

"aww new york" i sigh, hearing the taxi cabs honking behind me and the distand ring of an ambulance. the thick smog in the air. ahhhh.

i took a big breath of air and let it out shakily before unravel my suitcase handle and pulling it along behind me. stumbling momentarily as it caught my heel. i stop and sigh, exastperated, before continuing.

come on camille pull it together, i scolded as i pushed open the front door. the cool glass chilled my finger tips when i made contact with it. the moment it stepped into the lobby the cold air hit me. the clinical, clean era hit me, and made a shiver run down my spine.

i once again stumbled momentarily as all the new changes hit me. from the warm humid maryland air to the cold dry air in here. from the the friendly faces outside to the cool emotionless masks in here. i let out another shaky breath before continuing to the front desk.

"uh camille bronkson" i sputter to the blonde woman at the main desk. she looked to her computer, typed something in, pressed enter with a flash, then looked at me, smiled and responded "yes, your room is on the eleventh floor, room 1126. you'll have that visitor inside the hour. enjoy your stay".

i nodded and quickly walked off in the direction of the elevator, which was conveniently located in the far left corner. i've come to know this person as the visitor. since i first heard of him it was always 'he'll be making the arangments and visit you then' or 'he will visit you at your room as soon as you arrive' i never heard his name.

whats really sad. i dont even know why i'm here. yeah i know. i seriously think im crazy. correction, i know, im crazy. here's how this worked out. one day, when i was on my way back to my louzy little twenty foot by twenty foot appartment, when someone... accidentally bumped into me, or so i thought then. afterwards i had tried to apologize and move on but he had stopped me and asked if i was camille bronkson. i nodded nervously, and thats about when things got wierd. lets just say. i was really desperate for a job, hense the twenty foot appartment, and he was really good at persuading me. i mean, they said i would get a large pristine room in a beautiful hotel, in a different state, away from the terrible stink hole i was living in. and it would all be prepayed?! of coarse i was gonna say yes... in my state. see this is how i know im crazy.

random person, comes up to me and offers a free flight away from where i was, and a warm...ish room waiting for me at the end of it, aslo free. how many of you would take it?

anyways, here i am standing in an elevator on its way to the elventh floor, think over the state of my sanity. how clicque, right?

with a ring the elevator doors opened and i walked down the hall until i came to a sign.

<--- room 1100-1150 :: room 1151-1199 --->

what room was i in again? right 1126 i think nearly smacking myself upside the head for forgetting in the first place. whats happening to me? i might not be in the best mental state by my own standards but i'm usually preatty good at remembering things. must be the nerves i thought, shrugging before finally reaching my room.

i wrestled my key out of my pocket and quickly swiped it down the lock, as is usual with hotel keys. then tried it again when it didn't work. i nodded quickly when it turned green. as if telling it yeah you better let me in. i pulled my suitcase in behind me and over to the bed as the door fell shut behind me.

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