Water World

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"who would like to go next?" asked the teacher, looking questioningly to me, appearantly he's also noticed the students glancing my way, the question is, has he caught on to their plan as i have. i smile at him kindly, silently telling him to continue, i then looked in the direction of the students, and smiled a challenge at the ones who were looking my way.

"i'll go" one of them chanted confidently. he turned to one of his friends and whispered something before standing up, smiling, nods to his friend, and walking to the middle of the room.

He glanced at me conciededly then faced the teacher.

"Ready mr. Pholly?" asked the teacher. hmm, pholly? wing? this should be fun.

"Ready" he looked over at me and smirking, i smiled wickedly in his direction 'bring it'.

"And go" shouted the teacher loudly.

The boy spun quickly, dark wings seemed to spring from his shoulder blades. dark, shadowed, scaly wing.

His fingers quickly came to points the same shade and sharpness of the ends of his wings.

Scales sprouted from the edges of his face, his hair became dark bluish-black feathers.

He stopped spinning and faced me, his mouth was unnaturally long, almost like it was pulled back off his face, he smiled wickedly, a scary grin worthy of the title joker.

He spread out his wings and laughed evilly. i kept myself from flinching but just barely. i instead frowned, i dont think i'll ever get used to this.

I was suddenly over come with jealousy. why do these people get these amazing gifts?! why only a few people? it's not fair.

"Why didn't you turn into your full animal?", the teacher had asked. the boy like everyone else before him looked tired and out of breath.

"Im a halfbreed so to speak. my father was a were-hawk and my mom a snake. I'm both Horus and set." he breathed, " my uncle is known as chupacabra." he added smiling.

"Oh, well nicely done, you may return to your seat if you would."

"Yep" he said now frowning as he looked at me smiling victoriously at him.

My moment of jealousy now over i continued to challenge the students.

It seems that after a while cola noticed what was going on and kept glancing at me worriedly as if wondering if i needed back up.

I only glanced at him in dignified silence, asking with my eyes 'do you really think i need help with this?' raising my eyebrow and frowning at him helped to get my point across.

It was weird how i didnt even have to say anything, we were like an old married couple. Or like old friends, yeah i'll go with that.

After few seconds he nodded slowly and we both looked up front simultaniously. wow.

"Who'll go next?" asked the teacher.

"I'll go" rang a familiar voice and my head whipped in his direction. Hyp stood smirking.

"Excuse me hyp, but from my many years of teaching you i do believe you to be a shark. correct?" asks the teacher.

"I'll just change partially, as much as i can without changing completely."

Dont make the school transport you to water so you can change back." scolds the teacher.

"I won't" smiled hyp. the smie already looked pointed and dangerous, cant imagine what it'll look like when he grows rows and rows of teeth.

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