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  "Raaaaahhhh," Chiaki cowered in the sun, "how long is Makoto going to make us wait here for? There's barely any shade! I'm dying, Kousuke!" he said, shaking the taller boy. "I'm dying!"

"We've only been out here for a few minutes." Kousuke dismissed his theatrics and looked toward the glass window of the school. "Knowing her, she probably forgot she had cleaning duty until it was too late. For all we know, she's left without us."

"Nah, I saw her as I left earlier," he replied, releasing Kousuke to stretch his arms. "She was busy talking with her friend--Hayakawa-san, I think." Chiaki sighed. "We're going to be waiting forever at this point! Girls... When they start talking with each other, they never stop."

"I know. Sort of like you, huh?"


"Hey!" They both turned to see Makoto waving from the front doors of the school. She frowned, a thought coming to her. "Oh, were you waiting out in this desert the entire time?"

Chiaki only responded with a glare.

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