A decision

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Kiera's Pov:
"What do you mean home? Is Cybertron your home dad?" I asked looking over at him. He crossed his arm's and looked down at his feet. "We are grateful for the humans on this planet to let us stay here and call this place home...But it is time for us to go to our home." Optimus said. "Oh..." I said. My dad embraced me and I buried my face in his chest. "I've had so many memories here on Earth with so many people...Especially when I was found by you dad." I said letting out a tear. "I know it's hard on you. You're from earth and all...But ya' know maybe you can come with us." I wiped the tears and looked up at my dad, then around. Hot rod had his arm's crossed and smiled at me, Hound put a thumbs up, Crosshairs crossed his arm's and tilted his head giving a nod, drift bowed down and smiled. And so on.
Izabella's Pov:
I walked up to Kiera and touched her leg getting her attention. She let her hand down and I climbed on. We were face to face and I smiled. "Go with em'... Bumblebee's your dad for crying out loud. I Don't want you to be split apart from your family." I said. "But you're my family too. Humans and alien robots." She said chuckling. "You could visit us sometimes!" Cade yelled. Me and Kiera laughed and she got on her knees, "It could happen sometime." She said. "But it will be awhile...We need to do major construction on both Earth and Cybertron." Optimus said.
-Time skip-
Bumblebee's Pov:
Me, Optimus and Kiera were back on earth ground dropping Cade, izabella, squeaks and cogman off. Kiera was in her car mode driving through a field kicking up dirt when she came to a stop. I transformed while still driving and did about 2 front flip's. Optimus transformed and stood next to me. We both hovered over Kiera as she opened her driver's side door, passenger door and right back  door. Out came the four people and robot's that helped fight alongside us in Battle. Kiera transformed and walked over to the other side of me. I looked down at cade and knelt down, "You saved prime." I said putting my hand into a fist and beating my hand over my heart. Cade did the same, "You're the one that snapped Optimus out of it." He added. I stood back up and looked behind me and saw another one of those flying space ships that crosshairs was driving. "If you ever need us.. We'll be on Earth still." Optimus said. "What do you mean?" Cogman asked. "It's going to take awhile for us to get Cybertron back up into space and set the correct coordinates so we will be far from Earth's way." I said.
Cogman's Pov:
I look over at izabella and cade who looked down. I walked up to them and put a hand on izabella's shoulder, "I will watch after you if you like?" I asked. She nodded and smiled, "There's nothing more like family than adding on to it." She said. "Very well. If you wish to watch her than proceed. With the help off cade of course." Optimus said smiling. "Boss we gotta go! There are Autobots all around the world we have to go round up." Hound said. "Easy there cowboy!" Bee and Kiera said. We all laughed and Optimus just smiled. "Ready?" Bumblebee said to his daughter. She shrugged and looked back, "This is all so new to me...But I know I'll get used to it." She said walking over to the ship. "Bye guys!" Cade and Izabella yelled.
Kiera's Pov:
"This is it...?" I asked as the ship roof closed. "Well other than picking up about 60 to 70 more Autobots then yes that's it." Hot rod said. "Time to make some new adjustments huh?" My dad asked me. I nodded and rested my eyes putting my mask on over my eyes...and my dad did the same.
Not my best work. Everytime I write the Last chapter in any book...it ends up being not what I wanted because I'm always out of the creator juice. But...*Looks at hands that are on fire.* It was just a quick type up. Now onto the other book!

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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