When two worlds collide

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Kiera's Pov:
Cogman was testing my reflects to see if I reacted. "Cogman...we've been here running test for the Last few hours. Please I'm fine." I said bringing my knees close to my chest and holding them. I looked at cade who was over in his workshop making inventions. I smiled to myself thinking about the weird yet good things he made. Cogman allowed me to be with the other Autobots. The first person I went to was drift who was outside on the other side of the base...the junk yard.
Drift's Pov:
"No hate, no problems." I said balancing on my Katana's which were on two car's. As I was about done meditating, the baby T-Rex jumped on my foot breaking my balance. I fell in between the car's and groaned with crosshairs flying above me in his pod as he calls it. I sat up and if I wasn't mistaken saw bumblebee walking towards me. "Well look at the wanna be Optimus who's heading this way. How've you been Bumblebee." I said putting my Katana's back in their sheaths. "Drift I'm not my dad. And that's rude to say in the first place." A female voice said. I look closely at who said that and it was Kiera. "Oh Kiera! My apologies for the mix up. You look like your father. The voice box mouth piece the color and th-" I was stopped midway by Kiera and she patted my chest. "Maybe because of his DNA that he put in me. Must've stayed in my blood." She shrugged. I bowed down and looked at her body. She cleared her throat which caught my attention, "Eyes are up here Mr. Sneaky eyes." She said. I sighed and looked at her. As I was about to say something I heard a sonic boom in the sky. Me and her as well as crosshairs looked into the sky.
Hound's Pov:
"Holy shit what's that?!" I said falling off the roof building I was sitting on. I loaded my gun and started shooting at it like crazy, "Hound! We don't even know what it is yet!" Kiera yelled at me. I lowered my gun and apologized. "Cogman! Cade get out here now!" She yelled. Cade cane running out with cogman behind.
Cade's Pov:
"Do you guys see that?! Tell me I'm not going crazy." I said pointing at the sky. "I'm afraid you're not going crazy. It has been 1600 year's and it's finally happening. Two worlds collide...Only one survives." Cogman said. Everyone looked at him confused and he sighed. "That is Cybertron coming into our atmosphere. And if I'm not correct we have about 3 days to at least to try and save the world." Cogman said. I shook my head and ran to my RV home where I kept my alien guns and bombs...Lots of bombs. "Hey! I wanna help out. What can I do?" A female voice said. I turned around and see a girl with pigtails standing with a tiny blue ugly thing. "Who are you and what is that and why are you even here? How'd you even get past the Autobots?!" I asked.
Izabella's Pov:
What is the deal with this guy asking questions here and there? Sheesh! "Okay first I'm Isabella with a 'Z' second this is one of my inventions named squeaks and yeah he's a little rough looking, third because I know what is going down and because I lost my family and lastly...Dude it's a junkyard with broken fences and poor security people. He looked at me like I was crazy and took as many Gun's as he could. "Oh and cade Yeager was it?"

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