When everyone was halfway through their meal, an owl flew in the window. It was carrying a copy of the Quibbler.

Since Harry was the closest, he paid the owl, throwing the paper to the twins across the table.

The twins read the article with blank faces. Good masks, but Harry could see the spark of mischief ever-present in their eyes growing more pronounced with every line they read.

Finally, they looked at Harry, blank faces melting into diabolical grins.

The occupants surrounding the trio eyed them wearily. "What?" Bill voiced, sliding closer to his wife and baby daughter.

Fred and George did extremely overdramatic coughs, giving Harry a discreet nod to start recording.

"Dad is going to love this!" Harry thought, not realising he had spoken it until he got looks from the current occupants. It was then they noticed the phone in his hand.

"Harry, that's a phone!"

"No shit, Sherlock." Hit up the back of the head. 'Breathe. Do not attack. Just breathe!' he thought.

The twins shot him a concerned look. He waved them off. "Just read." he all but begged.

They appeased to his demands.

"Potter's family! In New York! What has happened?" Fred read.

"While coming out of the no-maj (muggle) side of the Leaky Cauldron..." George continued, each taking turns to read sentences.

As the reading progressed, Mrs Weasley, Hermione, Ginevra and Ronald grew paler, though Ron also had red-tinged ears.

The rest of the Weasley family were livid. Harry was an extra sibling/son to them! How did they never know this?

When the twins finished reading, they high-fived Harry. "Well done, mate! That was amazing!" They exclaimed.

"I know, I'm awesome!" Harry smirked. "I'm gonna go pick up Teddy, leave you some family time to sort this out." He gave his phone to the twins before running out of the house and disapperating away.

No one noticed the twins carrying on recording - they were too busy in a stand-off.

"How dare you." Arthur growled.

"He has too much money anyway. He needs to give it to more deserving families. Like us."

"His money has been saved over generations! The Potter line is the longest line ever! Their ancestors are Merlin and the Founders! They are the richest family on earth! He is also the generation prophesied to be the power of all five combined, maybe more! He is also heir to the Black and Stark fortunes! He is the richest and most powerful person to ever live! And worst of all, he is our unofficial brother! I'm ashamed to call you family!" Bill shouted at the four.

"But he is not even pureblood. We are. We deserve that money more than he does." Ron shouted back.

"Ge was supposed to be your brother in all but blood." Percy snarled, thoroughly disgusted.

"*snorts* As if!" Hermione shrieked.

"At least when I marry him we'll get what we deserve. Full access to his accounts!" Ginny exclaimed, snobbishly. (A/N: probably not a word, but oh well.)

"Out." Arthur whispered.

Everyone froze. "Huh?" Ron said unintelligently.

"OUT!" he shouted.

"But Arthur, honey, you must see that -" Molly started.

"Don't you dare give me that crap! I've had it with you four! I'm filing a divorce and disowning you! Now OUT!"

The four stood there in a shocked stupor. Arthur had never spoken to anyone this way!

"Note to self: NEVER make Dad angry." Charlie mumbled, but the house was so quiet that everyone heard it.

"I definitely agree." George claimed, Fred nodding along.

When Harry apparated back outside the wards, Teddy in his arms, it was to an eerily silent house and Molly, Ginerva, Ronald and Hermione walking out.

He slipped in past them, walking into the kitchen. There, he found Arthur sat, head in hands, the boys surrounding him.

"Everyone okay?" he asked softly.

Arthur sighed. "Yeah. I am so sorry about them. I understand if you never want to speak to us again."

Harry blinked. "You're coming, right? You guys are my second family! I don't blame you, Arthur. None of it is your fault. You're a second father to me."

Arthur gaped, blinking back tears. "Really?" Harry nodded, a soft smile on his face.

Arthur walked over to him, wrapping Harry in a soft hug, careful of the baby in his arms. "Thank you." he whispered.

"It's no problem. I mean what I said." was the soft reply.

Arthur stepped back, wiping the tears in his eyes. He then looked around. "I'm going to need to find a new place."

"Come stay at Avengers Tower." Harry exclaimed as if it was obvious.


"Come and stay at Avengers Tower." he said as if speaking to a three-year-old. "There are like 64 floors. Half business, half personal. And, for some reason, only me, Dad, Bruce and Sirius have our own floors. The rest share. So there is more than enough room for you," he then turned to Bill, Charlie and Percy, "you too. You're all welcome. The twins are already coming."

"Are you sure?" Arthur asked hesitantly.

"Of course I am! Oh, and dad is a genius. We have all the muggle toys - he makes most of them. All electronics work around magic. Oh, we also need to clear the kitchen. I think I may have beaten my record."

Arthur smiled. "I'd love to come. So would the boys." Bill, Percy and Charlie nodded along.

"Hey, do you mind if I bring Fleur and Victoire?" Bill asked.

"Of course not! The more the merrier! Plus, Teddy needs a playmate."

Bill let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Thanks."

"No problem. Now - PACK! I need to phone dad, let him know you're coming. And where I've been."

Fred chucked the phone to Harry before running upstairs, the other Weasleys following him.


A/N: heya! Well, that's another week gone. Only two weeks of school left! Can't wait! Had sports day today. I got sunburnt on my face. Not very fun. Anyway, I need to cut this short. Please rate and review. <3 feedback. See you next week!


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