A Starting Point

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Upon leaving the library the two girls just stared at each other. It was one thing to have your world pulled up from out under you, it was completely another thing to be told to figure it out with a stranger. Both were at a loss, but Oni wasn't one to lament her woes. "So where do we start?"

"So all we have to do is trace a bloodline that was purposely kept hidden, through time to modern day UK or maybe anywhere else in the world, to find one person in that entire line with latent abilities who just so happens to be the key to stopping a bunch of overqualified Museum keepers from stripping magic from the world, which if it is done kills almost all magically beings." Marissa's exasperation was thick as she poured over documents in front of her, with little or no help from Oni.

"Well, at least you won't die you'll just be human." Oni pointed out like it was some silver lining on an ever-darkening cloud. Marissa looked like she wanted to scream, the expression alone sent Oni into fits of laughter. "You worry too much, a goddess. You know one of those beings that look upon us from the higher plains, made of pure energy and magic, believes that you can find this person. So you'll find it. Before it's too late hopefully, but you'll find it." All the earlier hostility had flowed out of Oni, not because she liked the girl or because suddenly they were best friends. No, it was because she was would not be blindly searching she had direction, she had hope and for now, that was enough for her.

Marissa, on the other hand, was not as relaxed, she was alone in the world with a being of unknown species, searching for an unknown person; who not only had her fate in the palm of their hand but everything she cared about as well. "Well I am glad both of you believe in me so much." sarcasm dripped from her voice like poison. "We are only out here trying to do the impossible." Turning her attention back to the endless about of papers in front of her, they had decided to get lunch after they got kicked out of the library. Books and scrolls and scraps of paper that were related to the timeline of Lake and Steel, everything that she could find and fit in her bag. She could follow it until the end of the 19th century that when it became kind of fuzzy. The family having so many offspring at once. Each with some talent, she could barely tell where the main vein was, then slowly they started dying out. Whether it be from accidents, witch hunts or by their own hand the great line had almost disappeared. She was at a loss. "Would you at least tell me what you are?"

"Eh, you'll figure it out." Oni waved her hand dismissively, earning a hard look from Marissa. No matter how long she studied the girl she just couldn't figure it out, it was like she had the markers of every species that she had ever met before. When she tried to probe her mind, the mysterious girl swatted away each and every one of her feelers. Which at least proved she had magic if nothing else. She was swift but not a Were of any kind that Marissa could tell. Her spirit was heavy yet she did not seem like a shaman with how she was quick to set off blood lust, and her mischievous eyes waved away any notions of a sage or seer. Marissa was stumped, which seemed to be just what Oni wanted. That only left a ridiculous amount of lesser magical beings to choose from.

Turning her eyes back to the piles of paper something caught Marissa's eyes. A school report, highschool report about six years back. For violence against another student, yet every witness to the incident claimed to never see the boys touch one another. "I think I found it, I think I know where to start." she smiled.

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