The Spider and the Beetle

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"You can't read it?"

James shook his head vigorously. "Nope nope nope the glasses weren't just for show you know I actually needed them to see I am nearsighted hence the glasses yes I thought it obvious but I suppose I never specifically addressed because well ahem sorry being repetitive again need to stop myself from doing that getting off topic anyway read these if you could?"

"Gotcha," Jason said, taking the cash. He went through it. "One hundred and twenty total. Guess these guys wanted to be prepared for buy shit here."

"Standard military practice Jason," James replied, taking the money back and shoving it into his pocket. "Soldiers are given the local currency of whatever country they are stationed in case they get stranded and need to buy their way out and such the rule obviously applies to the Skeleton Crew as well."

Jason nodded. "Makes sense."

James then whirled and pointed at Audrey. "Alright can you sit down for a moment I wanted to apply some medicine to your face and clean you up you have a few open cuts and such I want to disinfect them of course I'm no doctor but I've read seventy five medical books three hundred online articles and have watched forty five documentaries not to mention taken a few courses for fun so I think I can handle something as simple as this."

Audrey shook her head. She raised a hand. "I appreciate it. But I'm okay. We should get moving. I want to find Laureen and Max before these guys..." She prodded one of the unconscious mercs.

"But-" James started to protest. Audrey raised a finger.

"No buts," She said sternly, her antennae twitching. "I'm fine. Really. And besides, we've got to drive there. You can do it in on the way, okay?"

James sighed, lowering the medical kit. He raised his other hand in surrender. Audrey nodded, seemingly pleased. She looked to Jason. "We should get moving soon, right?"

"Yeah, let's get going." Jason looked around, the clearing, eyeing the four vehicles they had at their disposle. As he did, he noticed Hiroshi sitting next to one of the humvees, his head propped up with one hand. He was nodding off, his eyes fluttering, but started awake suddenly. He groaned, stretching, letting loose a loud yawn.

Jason quickly strode over to him and leaned down, laying on a hand on Hiroshi's shoulder. Hiroshi looked at him, his eyes half-focused. Jason asked, concerned, "Hey, you okay?"

"Just tired," Hiroshi said, his voice hoarse. "And hungry. And thirsty. I've been flying around like crazy, you know, for I dunno how long. Man, I just wanna flop over and sleep. But we, uh, gotta find the others."

"Yeah," Jason nodded. "We do. Think you'll be okay?"

Hiroshi gave him a straind smile. He pushed himself to his feet, his movements a bit shaky. "I'm..." He clutched his head and staggered a bit, catching himself on the truck. "Man. Headache. Ouch." He gritted his teeth. "Ugh. Okay, I'm probbaly not even fifty percent right now. But I can do this. I know I can."

Jason patted the kid's shoulder. "Just hang in there." He turned around. "Alright! Let's get moving everyone. James, which vehicle should we take? Cause I sure as shit am not walking in there. And I doubt Audrey and Hiroshi are in any shape to fly."

"You can say that again..." Hiroshi muttered.

James stroked his chin, his head quickly flicking between each of the vehicles. "Ah hm a dilemma to be sure the humvees are faster but they're in terrible shape wrecked and the APC provides protection but its also damaged not as extensive as the humvees but I don't think its going to be in tip top road worthy condition I could test it but there's no time for that nor time for repairs plus Audrey would be a tight squeeze in those vehicles so the choice isn't a choice at all we need to take the truck."

The Metahuman Agency: The Superhuman Warحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن