Chapter 2: I wish

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(name)'s pov:

This was my third week in. the past two week was more floating and balance on a flutter board kicking my legs. Today we'd try and swim without the flutter board. I had 3 lessons every week and when I was not at a lesson Makoto gave me leg exercises I could do at the orphanage. It hurt at times but I never gave up or overdid it. I took off my leg braces and stood up and grinned as I didn't fall over though I did tremble a little. I squealed in delight as Makoto picked me up into his arms in a swooping motion.

"Look at you! You can stand up without a leg brace." He cheered I giggled. "I'm getting better! Thank you!" I exclaimed hugging the man. He reminded me of a dad... sometimes I wish he was my dad.

Later the next day at Makoto's school at lunch time. Makoto's pov:

I ate my lunch quietly. That kid has always been on my mind. I don't what he did but I feel like I need to protect him like a father would to his kids, I want to be there for him. I really think of this kid as my own son. Oh so help me please, dear god I'd be laughing stock to my friends.

"Makoto you've been really quiet lately is something wrong?" Nagisa asked.

"It's nothing really" I say finding my shoes more interesting.

"Makoto please tell us" Nagisa begged. I shook my head.

"Haruka what's wrong with Makoto" Nagisa asked.

"Don't call me Haruka its Haru. Makoto has been teaching a kid with leg issues how to gain strength in them so he can learn to walk without his brace" Haru replied shoving more food in his face.

"What the hell Haru I never even told you that!" I cried. Haru simply shrugged and returned to his food.

"You're teaching swimming lessons again?" Rei asked.

"Well sort of its really just privet lessons for this one kid." I said. I closed the container of food and shoved it back into my bag.

"Who are they" Nagisa prodded. Rei nudged him "come on that's not your right to know" Rei said.

"It's okay just keep it between us please." I said Nagisa nodded "His name is (name). He lost a lot of his ability to use his legs due to a car accident which killed his parents" I began. "That's horrible" Nagisa said tears welling up in his eyes he hugged Rei tightly who in return awkwardly patted his back. I mentally laughed at them. They had only started dating a few months ago and was still a little awkward for Rei, as Nagisa was practically a child in an adult's body. I continued.

"So in order to be able to walk again he spent countless hours selling newspaper and cookies to pay for these lessons. I just... He's done something to me" I struggled to describe what I was feeling to them.

"Makoto you've always loved kids you've always been a fabulous babysitter. You're an amazing brother to your younger siblings." Nagisa said.

"But this is different!" I whined "I-I feel like I should always be there for him, to protect him, I feel like my dad." I panted before shoving my face into my hands and running them through my hair.

"Makoto I think what you're experiencing is a fatherly instinct you have connected to this kid in a way no one else could. Have you ever thought about adopting him?" Rei asked. I nodded sadly.

"I emailed the orphanage asking if I could they told me no cause I'm too young, still in school, and most likely lack the skills to take care of him." I said.

"What the hell! You would be an amazing dad Makoto. Besides we're in senior year!" Nagisa exclaimed in outrage. He stood up in determination.

"That's it starting today were going to prove them wrong! Operation make Makoto a dad is a go!" he stated. "You don't have to really I can wait." I said. "Nope adults need to stop underestimating us" Nagisa said. I sweat dropped looking at Haru he gave me a 'here we go again look'. Once Nagisa made up his mind there no changing it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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