Chapter 1: Meet your swim instructor

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(Name)'s Pov

I hid behind Ms. Clara's legs as she talked with my new swim instructor. I found myself biting my knuckles again. I hadn't realised they stopped talking.

"(Name) what have I told you about knuckle biting" she said as I jumped and immediately dropped my hand from my mouth and bowed my head.

"Not to." I mumbled "that's right" she said. She then got down on my level.

"Be good for Mr. Tachibana. I'll be picking you up in an hour."

I nodded and she got back up and left, leaving me with the very tall muscular man he smiled and got down on his knees so I could see him better. I instantly turned my eyes away from him.

"Hey, it's okay I'm not here to hurt you." he said. I turned my gaze back on him and he held out a hand for me shake. I reached out and grabbed his hand which was much larger then my own. He shook gently his green eyes closed for moment with comforting smile still on his face. I found myself smiling a little to.

"I'm Makoto Tachibana but you can call me Makoto" he said letting go of my hand.

"(Name) t-the kids at the orphanage call me p-pirate though" I stammered as he stood up and began walking to a bench across the pool. I hobbled after him though it was hard to keep up with his long strides.

"I see why" Makoto said more to himself as he dropped his towel on the bench. "Why don't you leave your towel here and take off your leg braces. We won't be doing much swimming today just floating and getting used to the water." He continued.

I said nothing but did as told setting my towel aside and sitting down on the bench, I unstrapped the Velcro and unclipped some metal buttons and pulled my legs out of the brace and placed them under the bench. I placed my hands on the bench as I tried to push myself up. I stood up for barely a second before my legs crumpled beneath me. Expecting the sharp pain of my knees hitting the concrete floor's tiles I closed my eyes and whimpered but my knees never hit the ground I opened my eyes and I found Makoto's hands around my arms holding me up.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Y-yeah" I said as he picked me up and sat me down at the edge of the pool so my legs dangled in the water.

Makoto's Pov:

I climbed into the shallow water and turned to face the young 6 year old boy. Who stared at the water and swished it around as well as he could with his weak legs.

"How's the water" I asked approaching the boy. He looked up and paused for a moment.

"A little cold I guess" he said shrugging. I let out a small chuckle.

"It's going to be even colder when you get fully in" I said he gave a look that said 'are you kidding me'. "Not to worry though you'll get used to it quickly" I added quickly. He nodded.

"Slide in I'll catch you" I said. He carefully pushed himself off the ledge and into to water I caught him before his shoulders went under. When something caught me by surprise. He laughed not a tiny giggle a full blast of laughter. When he noticed my silence he stopped laughing.

"Sorry" he mumbled that confused me. "Why are you sorry?" I asked bewildered.

"This is the most fun I've had sense I was brought to the orphanage" he said looking away as I still held him in my arms. Sadness washed over me.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded.

"We don't get to do much sense toys and field trips are more expensive. The money I raised selling newspaper and cookies is going to this" he said. "It's worth it though cause I'll be able to walk again without the help of my braces". He finished. I was very surprised on how much this shy kid opened up to me not only that but how much he went through just so he could learn to walk again.

"sounds like you've been through a lot." I said (name) shrugged again.

"okay now onto floating...."

Timeskip brought to you by haru's unhealthy obsession with water.

I waved goodbye to (name) as the woman took him back to the car he waved back a small smile on his face. When I went home that night I didn't talk much during diner and went straight to my room. As I let everything sink in. Something told me this was going to change my life.

Makoto x male child reader: The orca and his son.Where stories live. Discover now