about you.

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(to start off this is rated mature due to swearing and graphic nightmares of a car accident.)

name: (name)

Gender: male

age: six going on 7.

Nickname: Pirate (will be explained in the is a second just keep reading)

Eye colour: (e/c)

Hair: messy short hair spiked up in some places. (h/c)

Personality: he's very shy towards new people. You can easily tell when he's nervous or anxious as he has a habit of gently biting his knuckles. When he does warm up to you though he's quite the chatterbox.

Bio: he often has leg braces on his legs when he's walking due to the fact he hasn't been using them in a long time and the muscle is practically useless. which is why he's doing swimming as its easier on the body but builds up muscle. He's called pirate by the other kids because he hobbles around as though he's a peg legged pirate.

Makoto x male child reader: The orca and his son.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ