IV: Bound by Thorns

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One, two, three...Exactly 90 silver coins total. 10 to go, and the Viscount's messenger might show up any day. He'd have to hurry.

Saska put all the coins back to the safety of his purse and looked around. He had been in town for two days now, sleeping outside since no inn would have him even if he could afford it. Those who had awaited his merchandise had most likely all brought their money to him already. But the thing was...although most people preferred not to deal with Outcasts at all, there were always bound to be people needing what they could offer. He'd just have to find a few more of those.

His eyes fell on the well-dressed elf leading his horse by the reins across the market square. He grinned. Someone like that would not even miss ten silvers. "Excuse me, mister!" he called out as he hurried over.

Raviel stopped. A human boy of maybe 15 years, sandy-haired and brown-eyed. His right eye was hidden by bandages covering almost half his face. His cloak was dirty, most likely from sleeping on bare ground, and his cap and clothes didn't fare much better. "Yes?"

"Would you like to buy some medicine? Perhaps moonflower oil to ward off werewolves? A charm against ghosts? I have many things not available from herbalists or alchemists."

"I don't need anything. My own magic is enough."

"How about a divination?" Not that he could actually see the future, but he could make up believable things.

Raviel chuckled. "Look, boy, you can't cheat a mage with tricks. If I were you, I'd find someone more gullible."

"Hey, everything I sell is the real deal!" Saska protested. "Well...okay, not that divination. I can't really do that."

Raviel noticed the thorn tattoos peeking ever-so-slightly under the boy's sleeves. "Are you an Outcast?"

"Yes." No point in denying it. "I have permission to come to town to sell my wares as long as I stay away from children. Think I'll steal them or something."

"Do you sell information?"

Saska's expression brightened instantly. "Whatever you wish to know."

"Tell me about the Viscount of Shadows."

"Er...whatever except that."

"About the Outcasts then."

"There isn't really much to tell. We're wanderers, not tied to any particular place."

"How do you avoid being killed by monsters?"

"Well...There are many different ways, depending on how much you can pay."

"I am not buying your herbs. Nevermind." He had done well enough on his own. "I'm heading to a settlement of non-humans protected by someone called 'Lady'. Do you know how to get there?"

"Of course. Lady of the Lake resides almost due west from here. I'd say two days on horseback." He rummaged through his pack. "And this charm will protect you from the siren's song of the water dwellers. Only ten silvers."

Raviel chuckled again. "You're a stubborn salesman to be sure."

Saska shrugged. "Well, I have to make my living somehow. Got kicked out of my group a few years ago, said I was bad luck."

"That's too bad." The elf picked out a single gold piece from his purse and gave it to the boy. "For the charm and the information."

Saska waited until the elf was out of sight before pocketing his prize. One gold coin was equal to ten silvers. That concluded his day.

He looked up to the sky. It looked like it would rain tonight. After a brief mental debate he hurried after Raviel. With a wealthy elf lord to cater to, nobody in the inn would notice if he sneaked to the hayloft in the stables.

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