Finding a Solution

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Everyone stood silently, thinking about the question that lingered between us. It was Klaus that broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Well it's obvious, is it not? We have to kill her." I was slightly taken aback by the condescending tone. How could he be so heartless in regards to his own mother? Then I remembered it was him that killed her in the first place.

"But she's our mother Nik," it was Rebekah and she sounded upset once again and I understood, she'd already lost her once, she didn't want to lose her again.

"Nik's right Bekah, we don't have a mother, we only have Esther," Kol tried to sound strong but I saw in his eyes that he wanted to cry. I removed my hand from Rebekah and placed it on Kol's shoulder. He looked very surprised by the action but quickly replaced his expression with his usual smirk. "Thanks Darling but I don't need your sympathy," he removed my hand with his own, placing a kiss on the knuckles, he knew I wasn't being sympathetic but he didn't want to seem weak in front of his siblings.

Finn cleared his throat behind me, "So how do we go about something like this?" He seemed to be considering his word very carefully as he spoke. I'm guessing none of the siblings wanted to upset another. Their family dynamics was fucked up but it was also very considerate and dare I say even slightly cute.

"I think the best course of action would be to let your mo-Esther believe that I'm on board with her plan and at her most vulnerable point you all attack." I tried to sound confident but inside I was terrified and I think they all knew that because Elijah and Finn sent me sympathetic looks, clearly upset that I was now forced to be a part of their weird family quarrel.

"Definitely not, she wants to KILL YOU for god's sake Elena! What if she realises what you're doing and decided to kill you early?" Damon sounded like my dad. God I was sick of everyone treating me like a baby that needed to be taken care of and protected all the time. It was so aggravating and unnecessary. He grabbed my forearm pulling me towards him. "You could DIE Elena! Don't you realise that?" He was pleading with me.

"Get your hands off me Damon! I don't need your protection all the time! And you can't keep making decisions for me all the time!" I was in his face now and I couldn't hold back my screeches of anger. I felt myself begin to cry when I finally spoke the truth, "AND I DO REALISE I COULD DIE BUT I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! AFTER EVERYTHING I'VE BEEN THROUGH I JUST WANT IT TO END! DON'T YOU GET THAT?!" My voice was getting increasingly louder and at the end of my exclamation I held back sobs as I wiped away the tears that had fallen during my exclamation. Once I had recollected myself I looked towards the vampires that surrounded me, I avoided Damon's gaze fearful of what it'd hold. Stefan looked at me with his now usual cold expression. Klaus looked shocked but proud. Kol held a similar expression except he had a smirk plastered across his face. Rebekah was smirking but there was sympathy behind it. They were all glad I had stood up to the eldest Salvatore. Finn and Elijah however had different expressions. Elijah looked flabbergasted but his eyes held such sadness as he looked at me. Finn wasn't at all surprised, he looked as though he wished to comfort me.

"Elena-"Damon began sounded completely ashamed.

"No Damon," I held my hand up signalling him to stop. And to my surprise I didn't hear another word from him. "We'd better get back to the party before Esther realises that we're gone and begins to get suspect." I walked away without another word from any of them. I know I'd said I'd go back to the party but instead I just walked home realising I wouldn't be able to get a ride. As I walked along I thought about how I'd been so mean to Damon. It's not that he didn't deserve it but he was only trying to help me. The truth was I'd changed. My love for both of the Salvatore's had faded over time. And now I even resented them a little. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't realise there was someone following me.


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