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||A/N: Sorry for the long wait for a new one...I haven't been interested in writing anymore for this book I might make one or two more then place this book as completed...also sorry if this one shot isn't really that good and to short or even if Noctis is OOC I guess I'm not all invested in this book anymore sorry guys...||

It was the end of the year of your senior year of high school, soon you'd be off on your own. But you were having mixed emotions with this since you spent three wonderful years with your best friend Prompto and your wonderful boyfriend Noctis.

Yup that's right, the Prince of Lucis was your boyfriend.

Although you were having these mixed feelings you were glad to have graduated high school. You worked so hard and everything paid off! After this you were gonna go towards college...hopefully the one you applied for accepted you.

Your parents were the ones that were so proud of you, being the only child they watched you through your bad times and your greatest. They knew you were strong though and they had so much pride to know you'd graduate.

"I can't believe we are graduating!" Prompto cheered.
"About time huh?" Noctis chuckled.
"Well our hard work paid off, and I'll be honest I didn't think Prompto would graduate." You joked.
"Hey! I graduated fair and square!" Prompto pouted.
"Haha yeah sure you did buddy." Noctis smiled.

Even more teasing went through the group of three until the teacher told every senior to line up and get to the gym for the event.

(A/N: I'm homeschooled sorry if all this is wrong...>.> just felt like making this since I'll be graduating this year finally!! :D)

Every senior sat in a chair that was all set out for them on the stage, while the parents sat in the seats in front of the stage. You saw your parents there and they sent you a small wave though you just gave a smile towards them.

One by one names were called, when Prompto's or even Noctis's you cheered louder then most but you didn't care.

"(Y/N) (L/N)" Your name was called.

Prompto and Noctis cheered loud and clapped their hands as your parents stood up clapping with tears of happiness in their eyes. Oh how proud of you they were.

Shaking the principles hand he then gave you your diploma and you raised it in the air in front of your classmates and parents in the crowed. Cheers were all over the place and soon you sat back down beside Noctis.

After a while the principle started to list out some students who got into the schools they wanted to, and what came next was shocking.

"And last but not least Miss (Y/N) (L/N) has been given a full scholarship at, Harvard." The principle explained.

You were shocked yet happy, they accepted you and Noctis hugged you tightly proud of his girlfriend to get her dream to come true. But another surprise was for coming your way.

"I believe our Prince of Lucis, Noctis Lucis Caelum. Has something to say." The principle said.

Sighing he hated speaking out to crowds but he had a surprise for his girlfriend, and since now seemed to be the right moment to speak about it he was gonna say it. Besides he spoke to his father about it and they knew it was the best for Noctis to do this.

"I've been given scholarships in many schools, but I've already chosen one...and I secided to go to the same school as my lovely girlfriend (Y/N) (L/N), I've always heard that you should chase your dreams and make your own path...well (Y/N) is my dream and my path. And I want to be with her all the time until the end of time." Noctis explained.

As he said this he held out his hand for you in the middle of his words, standing up you walked towards him and held his hand, everyone 'awwwed' at this and thought it was so sweet that a couple who were graduating were gonna follow one another to stay together.

When your parents heard this they smiled at one another then looked over at the King who smiled and nodded his head. Even though at first he wasn't to sure of the relationship his son had with you..but over the years now he grew to like you as a daughter already.

Not so long after Noctis did the unthinkable and dipped you giving you a kiss on the lips infront of everyone making them whistle and cheer which this got you to get embarrassed course not so long after he did to when he realized just what he did.

"Stupid..." You giggled.

When more time went by you and the boys spent the time taking pictures no thanks to Prompto wanting to make this moment something to remember. And boy would it ever be, cause you'd never forget this day when you figured out your boyfriend The Prince was gonna follow you to your new school.

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