Just Glad Your Okay

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||A/N: This one might be a little bit or a lot longer then my usual one shots I wrote for you.||

The king knew of his sons relationship with one of the soldiers of his Kingsglaive, in fact he knew it was you and was actually fond of you. You didn't question orders and was an welded the magic given to you amazingly.

Some of the members of the glaive teased you about the relationship you had with Noctis. The main ones were Nyx, Crow and Libertus. Those three were like family to you.

"We have a mission to fight he Niffs outside the walls, you'll have to tell Prince Noctis so he won't worry." Nyx said.
"Yeah." You agreed.

Nodding you went to go look for him after you had finished putting on some of your gear. Looking around you spotted him with his friends.

"Noct!" You called.
"(Y/N)." Noctis smiled.
"Hey (y/n)!" Prompto cheered.
"Hey guys, look I just came here to say I'll be leaving with the others on a mission. So I won't see you for a bit of the day." You told.
"Be careful." Noctis frowned.
"Always am." You smiled.

Kissing his cheek you rushed back and got the rest of your gear on, not without your friends making kisses faces to you. Shaking your head with a small smile you got in the trunk that would be taking you all to the place where you'd fight the Niffs.

"Listen up, we got a few minutes until they arrive. Remember to stick close together in the teams you usually fight in. Alright?"
"Yes sir!" You all shouted.

Following Libertus and Nyx you were one of the soldiers who was more comfortable fighting then casting spells. That was Crowe's job.

"All set are we?" Nyx asked.
"Yeah we should get in position though, they'll be here soon." You replied.
"Got that right." Libertus agreed.

**Time Skip**

The sounds of screams and yells within battle were heard, many demons around the battlefield laid dead due to the Kingsglaive swift actions, most bodies of the other soldiers were of glaive. Many lives were being lost and and it was horrible.

"Ugh I'm so gonna have a drink after this." You sighed.
"Count me in.". Nyx commented.
"If your buying this round I'm in as well." Libertus joked.

Laughing you fought these demons with the two waiting on Crowe to get it done and ready.

"Crowe what's the hold up!?" You asked.
"It's almost done...!" Crowe said.

The fight just continued on as Nyx, you and Libertus fought on, Nyx took down a demon that was about to attack you from behind.

"Come on (Y/N) you got the prince waiting for you back at home." Nyx said.
"Once again I owe you." You chucked.
"You sure do." Nyx smiled.

Once the spell was down everyone was ordered to fall back, you three did you best so it wouldn't pull you in. But the Niffs released a huge demon one you've never seen before.

"Oh god..." You mumbled.

Crowes spell wore off due to her strength not being enough, after that he demon let out these large bullet like things. The Captain ordered a retreat. You ran off with Libertus but some rubble fell on you guys.

"Gah!!" You screamed.

The ruble fell on your left arm, but on Libertus's leg.

"Shit we won't survive this..." You panicked.
"You gotta be kidding me!" Libertus said.

Though Nyx came around in the nick of time, distracting the demon and getting the two of you out of there, more of your comrades helped the two of you out of there. You were given a sling to hold your arm up before they could fix it good enough.

Noctis x Reader <One Shots>Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat