Winter Cuddles

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It was snowing and this was the season you loved, even as a kid you loved the winter. Sure at times it could get really cold but today it seemed like a good day.

You called Noctis over and it didn't matter to you if he brought his friends, but this time Noctis didn't tell them he was going over to your place. He wanted to spend alone time with his girlfriend since most of the time he brought his friends along.

Walking up to the door of your house he knocked on the door, he had on a heavy black winter coat, a pair of mittens, a scarf and some winter boots. Opening the door you blushed at how adorable this prince looked but quickly invited him in.

"Noctis come in quick!" You said.
"Thanks it's cold out there.." Noctis sighed.
"Warm up then." You suggested.

When he took his coat off you placed it in the closet, as he took off his boots and mittens he placed them away as well and went to sit on the chair by the fireplace.

"Should I make hot chocolate?" You asked with a smile.
"Need some help?" Noctis asked.
"I guess." You shrugged.

Walking to your kitchen you got two cups out and started to make the hot chocolate, as you were making it Noctis walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you from behind. Chin resting on your shoulder.

"Just us today hm?" You asked.
"Yes, I want time alone with my girl." Noctis said.
"Well time alone seems well waited." You giggled.
"Yes so today is the day." Noctis chuckled.

Pressing small kisses to your shoulder and up your neck, you giggled as you felt it, turning around you pressed your lips to his in a kiss. It went on for a while until the kettle signalled that the water was hot enough.

"Better save the rest for later." You laughed.
"Oh? I get to have more?" Noctis smirked.
"Shut up." You giggled.

Turning around you poured the hot water into the two cups, putting it down you grabbed the hot chocolatier powder and placed two scoops in each then stirring it until you believed it was done. After that you placed a few small marsh mellows.

"Here you go." You told.
"Thank you." Noctis replied.

Taking the cup you gave him you both walked back to the couch and sat down beside one another, at times taking a sip of your drinks you two talked more together.

Placing your cup down you moved to sit on Noctis's lap and snuggled up to his chest. His arms around you pulling you close to him he kissed your forehead.

"I love you, (f/n)." He mumbled.
"I love you too, Noct." You replied.

Smiling at one another you kissed once more giving him what you said before as promised.

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